Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Yeah, that’s the command to trigger a switch, that was already working…
But do you also see a command to query the status? When you for example trigger it on your indoor/add-on? You told earlier that you also see the state changeling in hikconnect?

This command was not working for me

And it looks that this command is used to get the status of the relays. for the control of the relays they are using:

PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/outputs/1?format=json{ “OutputsCtrl” : { “switch” : “close” }}

Have no clue how issuing of the same command is supported via cloud services, but not supported via direct call. Maybe i am making some errors in configuration of the debug.

its indeed strange, can you post the full apidata here?


Maybe there is a sligth difference? maybe you can try copy/pasting the same json ?

Now there is a different error

You need an extra space before the Json data

It’s like POST space URL space JSON

Then i get this error
2024-02-12 16:26:19.482 | ERROR | mqtt_input:_isapi_input_callback:528 - Error while invoking ISAPI endpoint: (‘Error while calling ISAPI /ISAPI/SecurityCP/status/outputStatus?format=json’, 23, ‘Device does not support this function.’)

Cloud cal does not contain space
POST /ISAPI/SecurityCP/status/outputStatus?format=json{ “OutputCond” : { “maxResults” : 2, “outputModuleNo” : 0, “searchID” : “RDtCp8jVil1lAwdXkthSmP6UO5exkHGV”, “searchResultPosition” : 0 }}

Yeah, that space has nothing totoz it’s just how the add-on parses it…

But I don’t know why it works from cloud :frowning:

Is it possible to call ISAPI via postman on 8000 port?

nope, 8000 is used for SDK, 80 is used for ISAPI, but 80 is closed on indoor stations…
So the ISAPI commands needs to be used withing the SDK

The funniest thing is that i can control them :slight_smile:

yeah, thats the same command i use for the addon too

After all the tests, i have ended up by creating REST sensor, to monitor relay state via Hik-Connect cloud.

Do you use the hikconnect integration for that? Or how do you do the curl to get the token ?


Hello sir :wave:,

I’m using your add-on for a while now, and it works perfect :ok_hand:. Thank you for all the afford.

Add the moment I’m deploying a second home assistant, this time white docker-compose. It’s a huge learning curve for me :grimacing::sweat_smile:, I don’t have (yet) the knowledge to see your documentation and fill in the gaps :see_no_evil:.

On the add-on I have included the doorbell itself and the indoor unit in “yaml” style. In the docs you talk about a “env” file, I see an input in JSON… but further up I see an example in “yaml” … so I don’t know where to start :rofl:.

And also the env file, will that be created by running the container, or do I need to add it manually?

Hi, i set up a ds-kv6113-wpe1(c) doorbell with the addon+frigate and go2rtc (so i’m not using sip)
everything is working except the call state sensor: when i press the button on the doorbell, it immediately plays an hangup sound, and the call state never changes. i tried editing setting in the doorbell but i can’t seem to make this work. it’s as if the doorbell is trying to make a call but can’t and that keeps the sensor from working properly. i can’t seem to find anything in the documentation about this problem. any help?

Yeah, if you dont use HAOS with Addons, you can run indeed as standalone… The you need indeed both files, the yaml for the container and the env file for the condig, they need to be in same dir

Well the 6113 needs to call something, hikconnect or an indoor station… thats why you have the call rejected… its not related to this addon/go2rtc/frigate …

Ok, so if i have no indoor station i need to connect it to hik connect i guess? Is there something else i can do in software to emulate an indoor station?

Yes, you need to make something ring… :slight_smile:
There is no emulation… If you don’t want hikconnect, you can use SIP