Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Those buttons are for indoor station, i have added output_relays: 2 to config. But now i have four not working switches

and this is my outdoor device that works just fine

Yeah, sorry, nothing I can do about your indoor, that device has very limited support…

You need to grab events from your outdoor, that should work… you can also open door by using the relay switch on your outdoor

I see, then there is always backup to use additional smart button to engadge the car gates. I can not use the outdoor switch since it is allready opens small gate for the pedestrians. I was just hoping to avoid additional device for the opening of the car gate.

Maybe you can use relay 2 on your outdoor station? Normally all outdoor stations have 2 door relays, the second one is disabled by default… If you enable it, the lock icon should also be visible on your indoor?

So if you then press the button on indoor, you will see event on lock nr 2 on your outdoor and then you can start your automation to tuya?

Searched for the disabled relay setting in iVMS, found nothing in there. Anyway i will dig deeper to find out if there is one. In any case thank you for the great integration and the support that You are providing. You are doing great job, and once again thank you very much.

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I see in specs only 1 lock control indeed , but there is also some "door contact " input ?

I have tried the cloud integration with no success since it gives very limited data. Mobile application is able to provide correct statuses for the relays, but not the integrations:

That’s correct indeed… but the SDK that’s offered by Hikvision doesn’t provide the events for indoor devices…
Also , the indoor device isn’t supported at all in the docs, that’s why it’s limited in this add-on… It could maybe work by polling the com portsw but I want to avoid polling as much as possible

Info have a feature for polling scenes (alarm/home/scene events) , that’s being used by newer indoor panels, it also does a polling, I will have a look later to see if can poll those com ports too (if I can find the command)

Its for the “arm” button you see in your screenshot, next to the com ports… If you enabled scenes in the add-on config, I poll that alarm sensor every 5 sec…

Maybe another solution, I do have support for Zones! They create events on indoor, maybe you can enable zones on your indoor panel ? I believe there is also a magnetic zone , maybe if enabled, it will add a new button on your indoor? (Never tried this myself)

I may have something for you! go to your indoor device, you see a disabled entity “diagnostics”, enable it , wait a minut so it becomes avaible

Afterwards; you can set a text there with service below, offcourse change according to your entity name:

service: text.set_value
  value: >-
    POST /ISAPI/SecurityCP/status/outputStatus?format=json
  entity_id: text.ds_kh9510_isapi_request

Then have a look at the dev tools/addon logs, to see any output there… tip, in ivms change the delay time , default its 1 sec, maybe change to 5 sec, so you have enought time to send the service, otherwise its off again…

I have tried, but have received the following error maybe i am doing something not right

This is my configuration:

That’s indeed wrong, you need to call the service in developer tools, then use the text.set value service…

Copy paste the value from: POST …

Like I did in the yaml

Ok understood, but still now luck, it seems my device does not support that

Hmm, that’s not good indeed, I need to look later if there is an SDK command instead of ISAPI…

It still might be my mistake i am new to HA, i called the service but do not understand how he can get the context of my device. I did it from here, but i don’t understand in context of wich device it was run

You did that good! Error 23 means indeed not supported… Only newer indoor panels do support ISAPi

Hi, i cant find an SDK variant, if Hikconnect knows the state, it should in theory be possible… with this tutorial you can wireshark/trace the hikconnect application on your android, maybe we can see the commands they use?

OK, next week will try to sniff the traffic coming from the app, and will see if anything comes up.

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Ok it seems that web API some how encapsulates ISAPI methods, i find the following call

And they are using ISAPI method that was provided by you:
POST /ISAPI/SecurityCP/status/outputStatus?format=json
{“OutputCond”:{“maxResults”: 2, “outputModuleNo” : 0,“searchID” : “Udpr5DYCYhqrR9XrzJyNe0kEetwkyK8U”, “searchResultPosition” : 0 }}