Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Have a look at my example, your did a complete different commamd

I just got rid of the special characters in my password and it works fine :wink:

$ curl -i --digest -u admin:Planpassword -X PUT -d '<RemoteControlDoor><cmd>alwaysOpen</cmd></RemoteControlDoor>'

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:36:15 GMT
Server: webs
Content-Length: 235
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop="auth", realm="DS-B77DC349", nonce="YjRkOGJjNjdmZDc2OTcwNTM3ODEzYTM0ZGU2OTFkNGE=", stale="false", opaque="", domain="::"
Content-Type: application/xml

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:36:15 GMT
Server: webs
Content-Length: 254
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResponseStatus version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.std-cgi.com/ver10/XMLSchema">

How do I go about adding this into my HA is this something that could be adding to the pluging ?



Hmm, not sure if I’m going to add it to add-on, you are the only one using it for now :slight_smile:

You can use a shell command integration in HA to send the command

"I’m okay with using a Curl command in HA. Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

I was also attempting to retrieve the door’s status, as the unit already had the “access of Door Magnetic 1.” This would mean I didn’t need an extra sensor. Is it possible to enable this feature in your plugin?



Hmm, didn’t find the isapi command for door status yetz I also don’t think its visible in the event log either…
Do you see such command on your device with F12?

I can only see events based on the card swipe/key/face … Not on the actual relay itself

Good evening. Everything works fine for me Hikvision KV6113, thanks for the integration. Please tell me there is an LED on the front panel of the Hikvision KV6113, it lights up when the microphone is turned on if you use hik Connect. But if they communicate via a WEB RTC card with two-way audio communication, then the LED lights up and does not go out, that is, the microphone is constantly on, until a reboot. Tell me if there is a command to mute the microphone. Thank you.

Hi Fabio,
I came back using your great addon since I read that frigate provides an easy way to get two way audio.
This is my configuration:

  • DS-KV8113-WME1(B) with NO internal unit but configured with hikvision (i.e. the call starts correctly)
  • Home assistant in Proxmox VM
  • Frigate in a Proxmox container
  • Frigate addon in home assistant + frigate card
  • Your addon
    Now I cannot get two way audio (I tried also the solution with web-rtc card instead of frigate card).
    If I ring the bell, the phone led comes up, the dial tone is output from the unit, I see the bell ringing in you addon, if I answer the mic led comes up on the unit, but no two way at all. Then I tried to reject the call just after answering but the status keep saying “ringing”. If I hangup, the mic led goes off, status goes to idle, but no audio at all.
    Honestly speaking I’m quite sure Frigate handle two way audio, since I can see the double stream in go2rtc, but I cannot understand how to get it work.
    The only difference I see here is that my frigate is outside home assistant, I’m not using the addon (since I have a coral unit).
    Any hint?
    I’m using android HA app to try audio since mic is allowed (not allowed in browsers since it’s http).
    Many thanks,

have you just tried it without a real incoming call so you know at least the card/frigate is working? do you see the mic button?

on my github, i have pasted a full example code, that should work

The mic button is present, but no way to get some audio.
I cannot exit from ringing status…

Try first sending answer and then hangup, that should make the speaker/mic idle , need to start two way audio…
Sending reject doesn’t do the trick

Edit: if you are not connected to hikconnect, it’s possible the answer command doesn’t work

No way…
Answer+hangup puts it to idle but no audio from HA to doorbell. It is connected to hikconnect, so it answers. I’m really desperate since I cannot understand what’s wrong…

Then your issue is with frigate and go2rtc? Sorry, in only use what I posted in the GitHub link…
Maybe you can also on frigate forum ? I don’t think your problem is related to the hikvision itself?

It’s something related to mic access. If I switch off wifi and access through Nabu Casa it doesn’t work at all, but I can see a green mic icon on Android toolbar (mic is in use). If I switch back to wifi it works for a while but then again no mic access. I susect it’s related to http/https access to home assistant and consequent mic permission. Is there an easy way to access through https locally? Probably it has no sense, but I’m networking-ignorant!
Anyway how do you access? Through let’encrypt-etc…? It’s just me having http access?

If I use Assist mic goes up ok, but not with Frigate or Webrtc card

Yes, https access with a valid Certificate is necessary!!
I access my instance always on https, even local, I use let’s encrypt and bought a domain name at cloudflare

Using also nginx add-for https access


I use the device “Metzler VDM10” with indoor station VDM10-IS-W-2W.

It’s rebranded by German manufacturer.
Sadly I don’t know on which Hikvision device it’s based.

In my case, the “reject call” button doesn’t work.

I get this message:

2024-03-16 22:59:01.139 | ERROR | mqtt_input:_reject_call_callback:321 - Error while rejecting the call with ISAPI: (‘Error while calling ISAPI /ISAPI/VideoIntercom/callSignal?format=json’, 23, ‘Device does not support this function.’)
2024-03-16 22:59:01.143 | ERROR | mqtt_input:_reject_call_callback:328 - Error while rejecting the call with SDK: (‘Error while calling NET_DVR_VIDEO_CALL_PARAM’, 23, ‘Device does not support this function.’)

Maybe I will get help here.

Have you also tried sending the command to the indoor station?
Edit: there are also other usees with same device , I don’t think it’s supported on those… Do you also use hikconnect for the mobile app or another one? Maybe you can Wireshark it?

Thank you for the reply.

I’m not familiar with sending commands.
I don’t know how to do that.

Wireshark is unknown for me, too… :frowning:
I use the Hik-Connect App.
With your Add-on I only can open the door.


I’ve installed and configured the Mosquitto broker and the addon. However, no new device was created. Does anyone know the problem?

I have a DS-KV9503-WBE1. But so far, I haven’t set up an indoor station yet. Is this required for the addon?

As you can see, the communication between my outdoor station and the broker works:

2024-03-19 10:41:29.154 | INFO | mqtt:handle_device_trigger:456 - Invoking device trigger automation{‘name’: ‘door_open_by_external_force’, ‘type’: ‘force’, ‘subtype’: ‘door open by external force’}
2024-03-19 10:46:43.700 | INFO | event:motion_detection:98 - Motion detected from Aussenstation
2024-03-19 10:46:43.701 | INFO | mqtt:handle_device_trigger:456 - Invoking device trigger automation{‘name’: ‘motion_detection’, ‘type’: ‘Motion detected’, ‘subtype’: ‘’}
2024-03-19 10:46:46.276 | INFO | event:motion_detection:98 - Motion detected from Aussenstation
2024-03-19 10:46:46.277 | INFO | mqtt:handle_device_trigger:456 - Invoking device trigger automation{‘name’: ‘motion_detection’, ‘type’: ‘Motion detected’, ‘subtype’: ‘’}
2024-03-19 10:46:50.301 | INFO | event:motion_detection:98 - Motion detected from Aussenstation
2024-03-19 10:46:50.302 | INFO | mqtt:handle_device_trigger:456 - Invoking device trigger automation{‘name’: ‘motion_detection’, ‘type’: ‘Motion detected’, ‘subtype’: ‘’}
2024-03-19 10:47:03.384 | INFO | event:motion_detection:98 - Motion detected from Aussenstation
2024-03-19 10:47:03.385 | INFO | mqtt:handle_device_trigger:456 - Invoking device trigger automation{‘name’: ‘motion_detection’, ‘type’: ‘Motion detected’, ‘subtype’: ‘’}
2024-03-19 10:47:06.181 | INFO | event:motion_detection:98 - Motion detected from Aussenstation
2024-03-19 10:47:06.182 | INFO | mqtt:handle_device_trigger:456 - Invoking device trigger automation{‘name’: ‘motion_detection’, ‘type’: ‘Motion detected’, ‘subtype’: ‘’}

No , adding the indoor station is not required, most events are coming from outdoor station, also opening door is done by outdoor

An idea why it doesn’t create the device?
I’ve reinstalled and configured the addon about 4 times, even the beta version.