Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Thanks for the reply. I’m trying with asterisk but on your tutorial, when configuring asterisk I have to enter IP of the main indoor panel, which I don’t have.

No, mine setup is not based on general sip, you don’t need that…

You need to follow basic asterisk guides and setup ewtensions

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Hi, @pergola.fabio! I’m using the KD8003 unit with button submodule for two different appartements. I also allways get the same response to your request like George. Is there any other way i can help to find out which button was pressed. It would be a great feature to tell if the ringing is meant for one or the other.

No, the only way is to trigger the callstatus on your indoor device when someone pressed the doorbell …

I created those buttons additionally

Thx. I see the button but i dont unterstand, where i will get the polled information.

Hi, the response is populated as an attribute of the button

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Since the status string of CallStatus is “status: ring” and not just “ring”, the "status: " part is somehow interpreted by homeassistant. So the attribute state check for either “ring” or “status: ring” will not work in an automation.

You can use a template for that? Or check on JSON attribute in your automation?

I have a DS-KV8113, is there an official place where find the RTSP stream?
I tried with rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/101 but doesn’t work. Tried with both internal and external IP

Any suggestion how to get it working?

Hi, pls add hiwatch model DS-KH9310-WTE1

That’s an indoor device? Should be possible already, if it’s the same as an Hikvision

Hello everyone,

yesterday i setup the hikvision doorbell addon together with the frigate lovelace card; So far so could i worked based on my DS-KD8003-IME1(B) outdoor and DS-KH9510-WTE1(B) indoor station.

This means, I could access the camera stream and control the door relay; Also i was able to listen to the outdoor sound via the frigate card; I wasn’t able to test to ring th doorbell and to answer or hang up a call, because the kids where sleeping.

Today then i found out during the day, the the indoor station does not ring anymore if someone is pressing the button on the outdoor station. The screen will show the person in front of the door, as well the hik connect app is sending an information to my smartphone. But since i have installed the addon, the indoor station stays silent.

I restarted all devices, set the volume on the indoor station again and disabled the hik vision addon, but the indoor station still stays silent.

Does someone have an idea, what was changed by installing the addon or which configuration i could check?


Hmm i have the same 9510 device as you, also added both indoor/outdoor devices to the addon, no issue here… its not caused bu the addon normally

when you answer the call on indoor, do you hear the guy speaking? is that working? maybe its a speaker/technical issue?
Firmware update maybe?

rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/ISAPI/Streaming/Channels/101

Sorry, for the late response; I did some update of all the devices (indoor/outdoor) and i got it back up ringing again; Don’t know what stopped the indoor station from ringing; I will try to bring up the addon some time next week and see if everything keeps as it is this time :slight_smile: i hope so :slight_smile:


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@pergola.fabio Do you think this scenario can work with your integration?

yeah, on your android wallmount, you can install hikconnect to aswer the call?
I dont think an indoor device is mandatory on that model?

I have an DS-KD8003 , indoor is mandatory for me, so thats something you need to check first

If you dont want to use Hikconnect, you can also go ahead with a SIP system , but its harder to setup and an PBX is required

Hi all, thanks a lot for your work @pergola.fabio, it is great!
I have the addon working fine, and I can use all the services:

The only problem I have is the two way audio, I have been following all steps but I’m not able to make the Frigate card work :frowning:

I have the frigate container running on other machine, and configured the camera:

    listen: ":8555"
      - stun:8555
      - rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
      - isapi://admin:[email protected]:80/
        - path: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102

The video is working fine, but when I try the addon config, the microphone is not show, and the 2 way audio is not working, any hint, missed step?

I enabled the webrtc option on the frigate proxy:

Maybe my environment is a little more convoluted:

  • Frigate on a server
  • HA on a different server:
    • Frigate proxy add-on
    • Hikvision VTO add-on

Thanks in advance!

i have some guids/tips here:


OK I got it working, the main issue was the httpS , it works fine using the frigate addon directly, because it routes the traffic to https with the home assistant external URL, but in case of using the frigate proxy all traffic is http, so no way of making it work.
So Frigate proxy is a no go for Lovelace Card two way audio.
@pergola.fabio thanks a lot for the great work and support!

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