Hildebrandglow - Smart Meters - SMETS2

I’ve email glowmarkt to see where the problem lies as i assume it’s either with them or with octopus.

You might have the same issue as me. I’m with octopus and my electricity meter has stopped reporting the reads back to Octopus. It’s something to do with faulty firmware. Apparently the fix is due in September.

Interesting… i only had my smart meter installed a week ago… and it’s been reporting like a trooper since then… so not sure it’s the same issue… my timings seem to line up with other someone else here that commented.

Response from Glowmarkt :

Hello Dan,

That looks like a local WAN issue - typically, that isn’t down to your supplier but to the DCC. I believe what they do when a meter doesn’t respond is to send another nudge the next night when they do the daily consumption data collection. If your data still isn’t refreshing by tomorrow, we suggest that you let Octopus know and perhaps they can do something to move things along.

Unfortunately there isn’t anything we can do. Good luck!

Kind regards,
Jane Wilson

Seems odd to me that my timings match up perfectly with Isablend : Hildebrandglow - Smart Meters - SMETS2 - #67 by Isablend

I’m seeing the exact same error when rebooting :

2021-08-31 10:51:56 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up hildebrandglow_dcc platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/hildebrandglow_dcc/sensor.py", line 33, in async_setup_entry
    resources = await hass.async_add_executor_job(glow.retrieve_resources)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 52, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/hildebrandglow_dcc/glow.py", line 78, in retrieve_resources
    raise InvalidAuth
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 249, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/config/custom_components/hildebrandglow_dcc/sensor.py", line 36, in async_setup_entry
    await Glow.handle_failed_auth(config, hass)
TypeError: handle_failed_auth() missing 1 required positional argument: 'hass'

Hi all,

I am also missing all my smart meter data since the 28th of August, which lines up with @Isablend and @danmed. Interestingly this is also missing in my provider (Shell Energy)'s app, which means the issue does not lie with Glowmarkt.

@Eldudemeister Do you have any more information about the firmware issue with your meter?

@Gronda your error should only occur when the data received from the API is empty - do you have anything showing up in your Bright app?

@jone9618 An error with the retrieval of resources indicates that the API failed to find any meters linked to your account. The error handling of the integration isn’t great so it’s assuming your credentials are bad and attempting to fix that. Assuming your data is showing up in the Bright app, you should be able to fix that by removing and re-adding the integration

Not really annoyingly, this was the update I received from Octopus

Looking into this I have found that your meter is made by Kaifa. We’re having some issues with the firmware on some of these meters.

This means that after a certain period of time (seems to be different for each meter) the meters stop being able to retrieve and provide half hourly readings.

There is a fix for this in the works, and we hope this will be rolled out in the next couple of months (although as always with these types of things, we don’t have definite dates yet).

I found an issue last night where I couldn’t log into the Bright app so I reset my password there and updated the integration. Oddly as of today it is still not pulling through any data and seems to have dropped off from Saturday on Bright and Bulb (my provider). But looking back through the data I do have, there are drop-outs in Hassio where the Bright and Bulb apps both show data e.g. on 25/8 in Hassio I have a gap between 0600 and 1000 but data showing in both the other apps for that period. I’ve now reset my meter display’s connection to my WiFi in case that was the issue (although it was showing as connected). Going to give it a day or two to see if data start reappearing.

So following yesterday’s post, I took the action to remove the integration and install. I made sure to get the password wrong to ensure that i could see it was using my credentials and rejecting me correctly, which it did. I then entered the right credentials and the integration installed. Ininitially not showing any data i.e. it was reporting .
All this time (thoughout the period when the integration has not been showing) the Bright app has been showing data albeit sometimes there would be a delay sometimes up to a few hours, but data none the less.
For 2 days now my IHD has been showing blank or attempting to connect to the meter and failing and I though it can’t be related, but took the action to reboot it, so its now working also, although I’d be happy without it if this works consistently.
Checked it this morning and I’ve got data showing from the time of the re-install and IHD reboot. So something has clearly changed or unblocked during this period. I’ll keep and eye out and report back.

It’s odd that we are all experiencing issues around the same time - might be indicative of wider issues at the DCC

Thank you HandyHat - the integration here has really sparked my interest along with the new energy features in the later versions of HA. Really appreciate the work. I was using some pretty shakey custom stuff direct with my suppliers API and this is a massive improvement, and the integration with the energy features is great.

Do you have plans in the future to adjust the integration to support the new gas consumption feature supported in the latest release?

Just to chip into to the latest round of data issues - I also had the data drop from the integration on the 27th, around 6pm BST - the last data logged in HA was the 6pm dataset. Prior to that things worked fine for 7 days, after I installed the updated version in the new repo.

To spice things up however, Bright continued to report throughout, and I am also with Octopus. Didn’t check the API with those guys but feels safe to assume my data would be available.

I did an integration re-install / reauth this morning after noticing the energy data was missing and catching up on this thread, and everything seems to have gone back to normal - so clearly I am not experiencing the same issue as some of you folks.

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@HandyHat My data has disappeared again as of 20:00 on 2/9/21. At that point I’d not updated to 2021.09.0. I waited for the reboot issues to be resolved and updated to 2021.09.1 this morning. After upgrade I’ve updated the Integration to the newest version (0.5.3 I think) and re-authenticed. It’s currently showing no consumption, but it normally takes a coupe of hours to start showing, but its not unknown so looking promising, fingers crossed.

@HandyHat just installed the latest version via HACS. I can add the gas sensor, but only under the Electricity option, it’s not appearing as a sensor for Gas Consumption. Do I need to change something elsewhere?

I think this is because the units are kWh for both, but it needs to be m3 to be recognised as gas.

I had a quick look at the code but don’t know how to change this!

Good spot. It might not be a simple case of converting one to the other.

I just added a suggestion on githib (https://github.com/HandyHat/ha-hildebrandglow-dcc/issues/17) with the equation to convert from kWh to M3.

[gas kWh] * 3.6 / 40 / 1.02264 = approx [gas M3]

I’m new to home assistant so don’t know where/how to put this in. I think it can be done in yaml to create a new sensor?

This looks good! You can probably create a template sensor to give you the value you need.

Any advice? I think it needs to be a statistics sensor to show?

I’ve tried this and it’s not working

  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: 'm3'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.gas_consumption_today') | float * 3.6 / 40 / 1.02264 }}"

It shows in developer tools but doesn’t show in the energy dashboard.

Have a look at my config here

I got mine finally working yesterday but I do have the Hildebrand IHD and pull my data via MQTT.

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