Hildebrandglow - Smart Meters - SMETS2

I’ve had exactly the same today.
Removing the integration, and re adding it cured it for me.
It appears the authentication fails for some reason. Re-adding the integration resets the authentication.
Maybe the code could recognise the error InvalidAuth and retry with the original credentials if this keeps re-occuring.

I’ve switched away from this integration now and am having much better results with a script i’ve written to utilist pyglowmarkt… the shell script doesn’t do anything clever it just allows you to runt he job on a cron easily.

When the integration is working, my script gives exactly the same results… and of course any issues with the data just not being available to glowmarkt cannot be overcome… BUT the authentication issue i seemed to be experiencing is gone as the script authenticates every time it pulls the data.

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Looking at the code, it does try to re authenticate. However the code calls Glow.handle_failed_auth, but the call is incorrect as is not a instantiated instance of the class. Hence the error about the missing hass parameter.

Not quite sure of how the fix this yet, maybe @HandyHat will have a view.

Perhaps handle_failed_auth should be a class method? Or does it need to operate on an instantiated object?

In case anyone’s mqtt data has stopped in the last hour it seems like there is a dos attack on the glow broker and has been turned off overnight , see here

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In situations like this then - do the people with the actual Glow IHD still keep getting data then (since the MQTT description seems to suggest that data is pulled directly from the IHD itself)… Or am i just deluded there?

I’m currently using @HandyHat integration. My data stopped coming through this evening, I guess because of the DOS attack mentioned above.

I notice that the sensors are setup for “usage today” so in a morning the dashboard would show a huge negative spike because the usage goes down to zero. I had just been fiddling in Node-RED to make it into an always increasing sensor that never resets, then all my data stopped coming in!

How is everyone else using this integration when it resets daily?

I have the IHD and my MQTT feed stopped hence I checked their forum and posted the update.

All my data started flowing again at around 2am. I’m not using the IHD. It’s a shame that the IHD MQTT feed also stops when there’s an external issue.

I didn’t have to do anything with the integration to get data back, it just started flowing whilst I was asleep.

I’m just using the HandyHat DCC integration but I get no negative spike at all, it just works…


I’m not doing anything ‘special’ other than this in my config so that gas is of a ‘type’ that HA will accept:-

#Useable Gas Measurement
    - name: Gas Consumption
      unit_of_measurement: 'm³'
      state: "{{ states('sensor.gas_consumption_today') | float * 3.6 / 40 / 1.02264 }}"
      icon: 'mdi:fire'
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: gas

So I’m not sure what you’re doing to get a negative reading anywhere.

Oh, that’s interesting I don’t understand how that could work! Are your sensors ones that reset each morning?

When I used those I got data like this:

Somehow pumping gas back into the network haha. So I’ve wrapped it up so it’s an always increasing value instead of resetting each morning.

Hi All

Im picking this one after giving up trying to get it working and hoping that its moved along and now works. Can anyone point me in the direction of the latest code and install instructions… When I try now ot install the integration it errors with a number of issues around content of the files I had previously uploaded ot config folders etc , so I am guessing all of this as changed.

Appreciate any help please

Thank you Andy

Quick update , I found the original github and downloaded the files and copied them into the config folder. Deleted the integration and restarted. Re installed the integration and logged into my account. It still fails but this time the error says

“Couldn’t find any CAD devices (e.g. Glow Stick)”

Any ideas how to fix that ? do I need to buy the IHD from Bright ? Confused

This is the repository I’ve been using that’s cloud based. It doesn’t required a IHD or CAD:

You should look at HACS, it removes the need to manually copy files and can update custom integrations etc

I’m still facing issues with incorrect data at midnight. I have even made a cumulative sensor using node-red, but this hasn’t solved it. I’ve attached images of the various bits of data. Bright is showing concisistent 0.2kWh consumption per hour. HA is saying 0.2 mostly but 0.1 at midnight.

When I look at the raw sensor from the HandyHat integration, I can see the following data:
23:02 - 7.64
23:32 - 7.76
00:00 - 0
00:32 - 0.11
01:02 - 0.23

So it seems like some data is going missing at midnight. I mistakenly thought the issue was the sawtooth profile messing up HA, but the data is actually incorrect.

Is anyone else using the HandyHat DCC version of the Bright integration? Does anyone else see the incorrect data at midnight?

Bright’s data is completely behind for me now. Even in their own app I only get data points at 1am each day and then it gets the whole 24 hours previous. Weird that it was working in almost real time before but now it’s the same as Octopus Energy’s API.

Has anyone else had this issue with delayed data?

Yes - same here - no data since 10pm yesterday in Bright app

Even in the Bright app I only get data once per day. It’s basically the same as Octopus Energy’s API. I’ve just reverted to using the Octopus API instead of using a third party.

Just a small possible improvement to the kWh → m3 sensor.

At the moment on a server restart the expression evaluates to zero when the gas reading is initially unknown. This results in the gas usage being added more than once to the Energy Dashboard.

This may work instead - note the original state commented out so the change can be seen

    - name: Gas consumption
      unit_of_measurement: 'm³'
      #state: "{{ states('sensor.gas_consumption_today') | float * 3.6 / 40 / 1.02264 }}"
      state: >
        {% if states('sensor.gas_consumption_today') == "unknown" %}
          {{ 'unknown' }}
        {% else %}
          {{ states('sensor.gas_consumption_today') | float * 3.6 / 40 / 1.02264 }}
        {% endif %}
      icon: 'mdi:fire'
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: gas

Mine has started doing this as well.

Means that my HA integration isn’t receiving any data at all

Ye, it’s a shame because it was working great. I’m now using the Octopus API even though it’s a day behind. I’d be tempted to get the physical device from Hildebrand, but this doesn’t give me any confidence in their API/data.