Historical graphs with dynamic X axis ("zoomable")

I am looking for a diagram/graph type where the X axis range can be modified to see “last day”, “last month”, “last year” etc.

I can’t remember where I saw it, probably some stock charts, but this was quite clever: bottom part of the chart was showing the max range and two sliders on the bottom part of the graph controlled what the upper part was showing. Effectively there were always two graphs shown:

  • max X axis range at the bottom, quite flat (short Y axis), a little subdued.
  • smaller X axis range a the top, much bigger Y axis, more vivid colours.

But any way to define the X axis range would be acceptable as well, the above example is really the best option I can imagine.

I have searched grafana but it does not seem this exists. I’m just asking here in case anyone has a pointer for me.

Try the plotly one, it allows to add buttons to zoom…not immediately easy but very powerful
Plotly interactive Graph Card - Share your Projects! / Lovelace & Frontend - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Also try ApexCharts add-on. Works a treat and supports zooming.

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