History_stats deprecated?

Wanting to replicate a sensor similar to the DIY Zigbee rain gauge, I came across the History Stats sensor platform. When reading the docs, I also noticed it’s only used in less than 2000 active installations, which seems very low. This made me wonder: is there a better, more modern way to replicate this sensor’s capabilities? Or is it simply a relatively unknown/impopular capability in HA?

I’m familiar with the Statistics sensor platform, but this also still uses the old sensor configuration format and was introduced before History Stats.

No it is not depreciated, just not used by many people.

Wow, I wouldn’t have guessed. I’ve seen lots of posts here recommending history_stats. I use it a lot, based on those recommendations. Works great.

I wonder why the low use rates. Perhaps it’s just a little too advanced for raw beginners, but there are better options for more advanced users. Personally, I try to keep it simple. I avoid custom components or add-ons wherever possible. Fewer things to break with every update. I suspect I am in the minority with this approach.

Anyway, I’m glad to hear it’s not slated for deprecation.