Hive Heating unavailable

Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted to hear. I will open an issue on the project’s git and hopefully there can be a fix implemented.


Worked for me thanks.

Many thanks for this simple fix.

Mine is the same. nothing in HACS or custom components folder. Did you get this working?

Hey there,
Are you trying to get HACS working or Hive integration via HACS but HACS is not working so Hive is not working?
The way I did mine was without HACS. I just downloaded the content under a subfolder custom_components and job done. My HACS kept refusing to install the Hive integration so I installed it manually and subscribed to the GitHub repository to monitor the releases so when there is a new release I just download the new version, unzip and overwrite the existing files and job done.

What’s the difference between the hive custom component and the original core one?

Not sure what the actual difference is but the original one stopped working when hive changed something on their backend. And I suspect their recent outages have been related to that… but that’s just me speculating. The custom components make the core integration work as before. And at the moment the developer is adding MFA support which the core integration did not support. I am sure someone can give the actual technical explanation.

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You dont have to wait for a Home Assistant release to fix things if Hive have made changes.
You can update the custom component as soon as it comes out.

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Cheers, I got it working. after posting the question, I read further down the topic, and saw how to get it working. Its now seeing my lights.

Apologies for appearing thick, but Hive was working fine in my HomeAssistant (running in Docker on a Raspberry Pi *) until recently. All I’d ever done was add the Hive home credentials to my config - but for some time now everything Hive related has been showing as unavailable. I’ve read all through this thread and I’m no wiser as to how to get it going again.

I don’t have HACS, and it’s not showing as something I can install via the Configuration Integrations page (search fails to find it). I really don’t want to change the Docker image I’m using by manually installing HACS - what should I do?

(*) homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant:latest

You don’t have to install HACS to install the Hive custom component although it is recommended. Just follow the manual installation approach as described
This is what I have done as HACS failed to start on my Raspberry Pi installation so I have up on it as I only need Hive from HACS. Then I subscribed to the github releases of the Hive custom component so when a new version is out I manually update my installation by overwriting the files in my custom components folder. It’s not ideal but works for me for now.

Forgot to mention that the current prod version of the HACS hive does not support 2FA so you have to turn that off. Otherwise your phone will get bombarded with text messages from Hive. There is a beta version which supports 2FA if you want to give that a try.

Thanks! I did as you suggested and installed HACS and the Hive custom component, and I’m seeing my Hive entities again. I hadn’t realised that adding HACS wouldn’t mean any changes to the core HA stuff that’s in the Docker image. Now I just have to resist the temptation to add some of the dozens of new toys this opens up to me!

I don’t use 2FA for Hive so no issue with that.

There are some reports of users not being able to use their Hive cameras without 2FA enabled, this might be a glimpse of things to come across the board. I have been using the beta 19 with 2FA and find it bug free for my usage and the additional sensor info very useful. The dev behind it has been great, and has clearly put a lot of work into it. I think @Khole crammed the caffeine and pulled an all-nighter on the 2FA, so kudos :heart: The only minor downside for me (being that I only have a heating stat) is that the boost function isn’t finished yet but it’s in the pipeline and can easily be mimicked by scripting the stat to max then back down again.

Struggling to get Hive working again.

had to reinstall from a snapshot

installed hacs

installed the hacs-hive update

restarted but entities blank, cant find an error either

any ideas?

Discussed here Hive Integration

thanks, installed beta version of custom component via hacs all good …for now!

I’m trying to get Hive Active Heating added to my HA 0.118.3 install. I’ve installed HAC, added the Hive integration, and have this is my configuraton.yaml:

  username: [email protected]
  password: mypassword

The Hive component doesn’t activate, and I have this in the log:

2020-12-09 13:11:47 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] Error parsing manifest.json file at /config/custom_components/hive/manifest.json: Expecting value: line 7 column 1 (char 6)
2020-12-09 13:11:47 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
2020-12-09 13:11:49 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry for hacs not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds
2020-12-09 13:11:54 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry for hacs not ready yet. Retrying in 10 seconds

The top of my manifest.json file looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" data-color-mode="light">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
  <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">

Line 7 is the first non-blank line in the file - <!DOCTYPE html>

Any idea what might be wrong?

@itm1960. I updated HA to 0.118.5 removed the HACs version and reverted back to the HA integration and it is working now.
Give that a try.