Hive Heating unavailable

Do you mean reverting to just having the 3 lines in configuration.yaml (as above)?
That was what I had to start with, and it wasn’t working. Hence why I tried installing HACS and the Hive component from there.

Same for me. Neither HACS or native component working. Just shows as unavailable.

Are running the latest HA? 118.5

I’m running 0.118.3

The same for me, I’m running 118.5, but I can’t see my thermostat. Any idea?

When you add Hive in the HA integration, does it not see it?
Mine changed its name from climate.heating to climate.zone_1 so I had to adjust the lovelace card etc.
Check in developers tools if it exists

No - there’s no reference to Hive/Thermostat anywhere on my Lovelace UI

I have the classic configuration file lines:

  username: MY_HIVE_USERNAME
  password: MY_HIVE_PASSWORD

In past I found an entity named climate.heating, but few days ago this entity became unavailable.
Yesterday I tried to remove completly this integration, install the custom component from HACS without results, so I tried to remove everything, included the orphan integration, but now with the correct configuration i can’t find a climate entity.
Can you explain me how can I check with the developers tools? I’m a beginner in HA.

Got to Developers Tools, States and in the entity, start typing climate. If one exists it will show the full name when you click on it.

Hi, I tried to search in developers tools, but there isn’t a climate entity.
I have done another test, I have another rpy and I have installed anothe HA on this rpy, after I have added the Hive integration I have the same results, there isn’t a climate entity.
Obviusly on the hive site and with mobile app everything work correclty.

And I forgot…thank you for the help…

To all with Hive not appearing problems, try the official Hive thread rather than this random one as it has been discussed at length and solved.

In a nutshell, remove the add on from HACS, remove the entry in config.yaml, restart. Then re add Hive 2020.1_b25 in HACS, restart, when back force refresh your browser and add Hive via the front end not config.yaml. Check the entities as names may have changed, eg gained a 1 or 2 on the end or similar, so delete the old ones and rename the new ones to match the old ones. Everything should then be back to where you started with no more input.

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Thank you for the suggest. I followed your indication and now everything work correctly.
Thanks again.

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Thank you. This was causing me a headache

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Thank you so much for this, Finally all working again !

Great !

works again finally !

Apologies for the late reply. I believe you have to add the custom components folder and then add integrations into it.

Let me know how you get on, ill reply faster :slight_smile: