Hive Integration

Hi @Eeeeeediot, I was hoping your last sentence would fix my issues, sensors seemingly not updating, so I turned on debug and then turned it off again. Sadly, it didn’t change matters and my TRV availability status values seemingly refuse to update. This is problematic as the main reason I want to integrate Hive into HA is to get notifications when a TRV goes offline, which they do, a lot.


Have you installed the custom component or are you using the official integrated one?

Remove integration from configuration.yaml and Integration flows, delete custom component from HACS, restart, install b25 custom hive through HACS, restart, configure integration flow but leave debug unchecked

I’ve got the custom integration via HACS, 2020.1_b5 I did use the offical one until the URL change and 2FA kicked it in the proverbials. The configuration.yaml Hive entry is commented out. I’m quite new to all of this, but looking at the history, it seems that other Hive sensors are behaving as expected, just the TRV availability. For example, my door sensor is showing a change of state that happened recently but the TRV availability only seems to change if I reload the integration or restart the HA server. I might just go from scratch again as my journey to this point has involved a number of wtfs so I might benefit from the experience so far :slight_smile:

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I’m probably going to go that route, start the Hive stuff from scratch. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘integration flow’ though :thinking: (sorry, I’m quite new to all this, but enthusiastic) :slight_smile: As I’ve mentioned in my reply to Khole KJ, other sensors seem to be behaving. I’ll give it a go sometime in the next few days, fingers crossed.

Having been forced to do a re-install due to hardware failure I’ve added 2020.1_b25 and got the Hive integration showing in Configuration–>Integrations.

My problem is that Hub and Thermostat are devices seen and only 4 entities listed - Hub Status; Thermostat Battery Level; central Heating and Hot Water.
I’m missing about a dozen entities that I had before my rebuild.

Debugging is switched off.

EDIT Full delete, removing name & password from config.yaml and entering same through the prompt that then comes with the integration looks to have fixed it. RTFM and start again!

Having problems configuring the integration, I’m getting the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 11:02:07 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:02:07

hive.async_setup_entry did not return boolean

@Khole i do not have the two factor authentication set up how do I do that? would your custom component still work?

I have restarted my HA and getting asked to reconfigure the hive custom component and when I do it just adds a second account and keeps asking to reconfigure.

I checked my hive app and I think there are some issues as it says something went wrong when I try to refresh.

Same here, been searching online. Down detector suggests other people are having issues as well

Even logging into the hive home sso with 2FA enabled my code received doesn’t work (verification code error. Please try again). I think someone is having a busy afternoon.

Although the status page doesn’t suggest an issue

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Looks like its back up for me now! :slight_smile:

Yeah same for me :slight_smile:

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Yes 2FA is supported by the library. Hive 2FA had to be configured in the Hive app to set it up. If you have already configured the integration in home assistant then you don’t need to do anything once 2FA is setup.

If you need to setup the integration then you will be promoted for 2FA as part of the integration setup flow after you enter you username and password

ok thanks mate :slight_smile:

Any idea when this issue will be fixed?
Failed to call service hive/boost_heating. Replacement index 0 out of range for positional args tuple

Hi All,

I have released the official version 2021.2 of the custom component everybody should have an update in HAC’s for this.

I have also started the PR to update the official Hive integration with Home Assistant team this can be tracked here -


Thank you very much!

Hi Khole

Many thanks for all the hard work on the new integration. I’ve upgraded and had a good check and found a few issues that I have raised on github. Sorry, nothing worse than working really hard and then someone else finding a few issues. However, it might help others that perhaps will experience some issues.

In the main, I think there are still issues with RGB bulbs which I think have been an issue before. Plus some of the sensors related to heating and hot water seems to have disappeared, namely mode, state and boost.

Again many thanks for your hard work and let me know if I can help in anyway.


hi all 2021.2.2 has been release with fixes for specific scenarios in schedule mode

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Hi all, I have recently installed this integration and it works flawlessly in HA. I have exposed this to HomeKit and struggling with hot water, it is showing as a temperature thermostat in HomeKit which gives no control, whereas in HA hot water shows as a switch for eco/on/off. Is there a way to expose to HomeKit correctly? Apologies if this has been previously asked or solved, I’m a newbie around here!

Hi all,

Just a warning as I mentioned the process has started for merging the updated code into the official home assistant.

Unfortunately this work had to be split up into 3 chunks so for anyone reading the 2020.3 release notes. It will advise there is 2 Hive changes/ fixes in the release.

The Hive integration in the 2020.3 release will still not be a working version of the Hive integration until the third chunk has been merged in and released unfortunately.

Im not 100% sure which release it will make it in latest is going to be the April release.

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