Hive Integration

You are correct but it still doesn’t work in a script but does in the developer tab.

This script doesnt work

  alias: Boost Hot Water
  - service: hive.boost_hot_water
      entity_id: 'water_heater.hotwater'
      time_period: '01:00:00'
      on_off: 'on'
    entity_id: water_heater.hotwater
  mode: single
  icon: hass:water

but this works

Think you have an extra entity_id line. this is mine that works:

  alias: Boost Hot Water
    - service: hive.boost_hot_water
        entity_id: water_heater.hotwater
        time_period: "01:00:00"
        on_off: "on"
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thank you!

Hi there!

First post, please be gentle!

I am trying to get my Hive Active GU10 Bulbs to change both colour temp and brightness with a Scene in HA (Raspberry Pi 4)

I have grouped my cellar lights together as an entity


and am using scenes.yaml to try and alter brightness (0-255) and colour_temp (192-370)

If I only add color_temp, I can get the bulbs to change from warm (192) to cool (370)

      min_mireds: 153
      max_mireds: 370
      color_temp: 192
      - light.cellar_1
      - light.cellar_2
      - light.cellar_3
      - light.cellar_4
      - light.cellar_5
      - light.cellar_6
      - light.cellar_7
      - light.cellar_8
      - light.cellar_stairs_1
      - light.cellar_stairs_2
      - light.cellar_stairs_3
      friendly_name: Cellar Lights Daylight
      icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
      supported_features: 3
      state: 'on'

If I add the brightness string, only the brightness alters and the colour temp is ignored…

      min_mireds: 153
      max_mireds: 370
      color_temp: 192
      brightness: 255
      - light.cellar_1
      - light.cellar_2
      - light.cellar_3
      - light.cellar_4
      - light.cellar_5
      - light.cellar_6
      - light.cellar_7
      - light.cellar_8
      - light.cellar_stairs_1
      - light.cellar_stairs_2
      - light.cellar_stairs_3
      friendly_name: Cellar Lights Daylight
      icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
      supported_features: 3
      state: 'on'

I have also tried this using scripts and get the same issue.

There are no log errors with either config…

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Apologies if I have overlooked including any relevant info.

Thank you

@Khole hello mate any progress on replicating the error?

Would the native hive integration boost feature work ok as a script or from the service dev?

@bachoo786 just out of curiosity you are running beta 25?

@Khole Yeah I am I suppose see the image below.

Could you try reinstalling beta 25 through HACS and restarting home assistant.

Nope still get the same error after reinstalling beta 25 through HACS and restarting Home Assistant.

The strange thing with this one is beside @rendili who problem was in the same area but a slightly different code. Am not aware of anyone else having this issue which is strange.

I just removed the hive custom component from HACS and tried the native HA Hive component but I could never add it to my HA. It gave some error regarding components etc even though I added my username and password to my configuration.yaml as well.

I have reinstalled this hive custom component via HACS and tried the boost service but unfortunately its not working for me and I get the same error.

Is there a way where I can fully delete the custom component and maybe try again from scratch? i.e. setting it up as completely new?

I have just had a thought do you have debugging switched on in the hive UI options?

yeah I do under “options for hive” its under scan interval.

Can you switch it off please by deselecting all the categories.

ok done shall I try boosting it now?

yes please

yep that did the trick it works :slight_smile:

My whole integration wasn’t updating sensors until I did this and its fixed now! thanks

Hi @Eeeeeediot, I was hoping your last sentence would fix my issues, sensors seemingly not updating, so I turned on debug and then turned it off again. Sadly, it didn’t change matters and my TRV availability status values seemingly refuse to update. This is problematic as the main reason I want to integrate Hive into HA is to get notifications when a TRV goes offline, which they do, a lot.


Have you installed the custom component or are you using the official integrated one?