Hive Integration

@richatha, try removing manually from Configuration -> Entity Registry all the entries created by hive, and theen restart HA

My Hive TRVs turned up today. Let me know if anyone wants to use my kit to get it working in HA.

what i keep getting recently when starting homeassistant is
Setup of hive is taking over 10 seconds.

and also lots of warning like:
Update of sensor.heating_state is taking over 10 seconds

Hey people. I am a bit lost here with a very simple problem. I’ve written a couple automations for different devices at home, but this Hive Door Sensor is beating me. I can’t for the life of me make the automation work. I think it is because I am not putting the right values into To and From, but I have tried different proposed options (Off/Closed) and still no luck. Here is my automation script:

- id: '1539803051550'
  alias: Freezer Door Notification
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.freezer_sensor    
    from: "Off"
    to: "On"
  - service: notify.ios_tie_fighter
      title: "Freezer Door"
      message: "Open"

have you tried them lower case “off” “on” I have moved all my automatons to node red as it easier for trouble shooting issues and i know they need to be lower case in there.

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use the hive heating thermostat to get it’s current temperature to set some automation based on the current temperature. Does anyone know if you can get this out of the hive integration and any idea how you go about getting to it?

Hi @richatha

Are you using the custom component to add extra sensors, including a current temperature sensor?

If you are you should be able to use the sensor.current_temperature in an automation using the GUI

If you need to use just the climate entity for thermostat, then you can extract the current temperature from the attributes, but I don’t know off hand how to do that

A friend helped me out with it and we are using this code

    value_template: '{{ states.climate.heating.attributes.current_temperature < 18 }}'

Full automation is

#Automation 5 - [Turn fan on when room gets too hot]
- alias: Master bedroom too cold turn fan off
  - platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.climate.heating.attributes.current_temperature < 18 }}'
    - service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.master_bedroom

turns my fan on if it’s too hot in the bedroom.

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If anyone is using the custom component for Hive for the extra sensors, I have updated the files to work with the new release of home-assistant 0.96.0

As before, you will need to copy all the files to your custom_component/hive folder

@rendili I have just added you to my HACS and updated the Hive Component and its all working fine as well.

Thank You


@cameron, interesting, I did not know HACS existed, looks very good

After a bit of an absence from HA I have recently returned, and have taken the opportunity to install HACS and use it to install your component @rendili

Thanks for all the continuing work

EDIT - Oh dear …

Post re-start

hi @PianSom

The only thing I can think of is that your HA installation is not on 0.96.0+

Other than that, I am sorry but I cant think what it could be
Do you have anything more detailed in the logging which could point to an error?

Hey @rendili - oh, der! Still on 0.95.4

I am WAY out of practise. Sorry

ah, no problem :slight_smile:

I may have the correct files for pre 0.96.0 if you prefer not to upgrade yet?
can you point the HACS at a specific branch in GitHub?

Nah, don’t worry. Just updating now. (And taking a flyer that Hassbian will be happy with Buster …)

In the 0.96 how do we use the hot water boost??

ok. I will have to test out HACS, rebuilding all my dev HA machines atm, so will do after this


unfortunately the water_heater platform does not have boost functionality
Hopefully it will be added soon, then we can add it back to Hive

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oh that’s not good il go back to using 0.96.0.dev0 for now then as its still covered under the climate section on that version