Hive Integration

Yes I have just checked the new beta version and which I have been working on which includes 2fa and that is still working as normal, my guess at the minute as already said the URL change we did previously doesn’t look like it’s working anymore.

@Khole where can we get the beta copy of the pyhiveapi ?

@MagicalTrev89 You can acquire a beta copy of using HAC’s and being show the beta versions to install from their alternatively you can go the GitHub page and download the latest release 2020.1b20 I think and copy the files over manually to your setup if you don’t have HACS and don’t want the effort of installing it

Github Link -

One major thing to mention is that the beta currently doesn’t support setting up via configuration yaml, meaning it is required to remove any config from the configuration.yaml file and setup Hive via the UI e.g home assistant configuration > integrations > add integration > Hive

its unfortunate that the beta isn’t ready yet but it has a lot of improvements but also some outstanding bugs with it being beta.

For confirmation, I have just switched off my 2FA and tried using the Cognito URL which we switched to in the last release and I get a forbidden response now, meaning it seems like Hive has closed it off.

    "message": "Forbidden"

Just to report:

2020.1_b21 is still working and has been rock solid since release!
Amazing work out of @Khole

@Khole thank you, i’ve just switched to the beta version 2020.1_b21 and its all back up and running. Nice work on the additional sensors :+1:

Is the modified API for hive documented anywhere? I need to update my own custom code…

@theallan Not at the minute, it wasn’t as straight forward as changing a URL to another as previously. It required setup and configuration to communicate with AWS for it to work.

What are Hive doing these days!!! Even the app itself has been as flaky as… Multiple outages, heat on demand stops randomly and the only thing that fixes is it to power all devices off, including pulling out batteries and then powering everything on. Have spoken with support, don’t know what could cause this, and regarding the outages, the usual, they are very sorry for the inconvenience.

I found the heat on demand feature totally useless, for various reason, the biggest irritation is not being able to define schedules for heat on demand and a tolerance, i,e how cold before boosting. But i have my own version of it using nodered and this brilliant HA Hive integration :+1:

Yeah, I’ve been considering resetting the entire system on zigbee2mqtt but…
Would you care to share the node red sequence or flow? :grin:

Not working with beta here? I’ve tried with 2FA on and off. Assuming I’ll just have to wait for fix?

Hi @Stuartie what issue are you facing, are there any errors in the logs, are you setting it up via the UI?

@Khole got it, didn’t notice it was through the UI now. All my entities have changed names but suppose I’ll just go through and fix them. Thanks for the quick work to fix it!

I do have one Hive TRV on zigbee2mqtt, but it needs alot more dev work. The only benefit over zigbee2mqtt vs this integration for the valves is the ability to see the valve position but hive don’t expose that on the API.
Happy to share my heat on demand node-red flow, will message you privately

@Stuartie, Ye that is one of the changes that is made to the upgrade it now uses the name set within the Hive App. They can be updated in the Hive App and then feed down to to HA automatically if needed.

Glad its working for you now, the YAML configuration will be available in the next beta version.

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@MagicalTrev89 I would also be really interested in a heat on demand node red flow if you wouldn’t mind. I have tried this in the past with not very effective results

Beta version works for me. Thanks!

@Khole I just installed your beta after finding Hive finally broke the old login mechanism. Your integration works like a charm so many thanks. I appreciate the work you’ve put into this!

Same here :frowning: just upgraded to b21 but still unavailable. Do I need to do any conf?