Hive Integration

Hi you will need to update to the custom component beta version 25 as unfortunately hive have made an authentication change resulting in some beta software which was in the pipeline to release early.

Please follow the instructions on the Pyhive/Ha custom component GitHub repository to upgrade.

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@PianSom with the beta version things have changed a lot pyhiveapi was rewritten as part of it, but with it brings the use of horn assistant devices. It is probably worth removing all of the current setup and starting again with the beta as it sets up in a completely Different way code wise.

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Many thanks. Will give that a go.

Thanks for getting back to me @Khole

Just to be clear, you recommend
1 removing the Hive integration from HACS
2 removing all reference to any old Hive entity from any Lovelace file, and from any automation, and from configuration.yaml
3 restarting HA
4 installing the Beta 25 and entering credentials in the integration
5 adding back Lovelace and automations with new naming

Is that correct, or have I got something wrong? Iā€™m just a little unclear how to fully remove all old references. SO out of touch these days ā€¦


You donā€™t need to remove from the Lovelace and automation configuration although they will probably need updating afterwards. You just need to remove the hive configuration if you have entities left over remove them using the ui restart HA then setup hive via the ui or via yaml there are instructions in the above GitHub link

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Hi Thanks i must be being thick as i can still only see 4 entities in total 3 for 1 device and 1 for another.

How do you configure the hive integration is it via YAML?

Currently at the minute the additional sensors only appear when configured via the UI.

I put the username and password into the configuration.yaml file thatā€™s all.
Or should that be done in the UI now ?

It can be done either way but to get the extra sensors you will need to configure via the UI for now.

How is configuration via the UI meant to work? I commented out the hive stuff in my configuration.yaml, but I donā€™t see anywhere to enter the credentials for hive home. I donā€™t get any prompt when installing the integration via HACS, and all my hive-related entities (heating*) are showing as offline/unavailable.

The instructions on github seem to be for installing the latest release version, whereas I need the beta. Given I already have hive installed, is it just a matter of copying the beta 25 files into the hive folder in my custom components folder and restarting? Thanks

I ended up installing the beta through HACS, I then added my credentials through YAML which created an entry on the integration page but this only only had 3 devices. I deleted this one from the integration page, rebooted and then set it up again through the integration page which gave me all of the extra devices.

A bit confusing but I got there in the end

I am having issues with this ever since the AWS outage a few days ago. I thought something was going on with my account, so I changed the password with Hive. After the outage was over, I updated my password in yaml (I was using the core integration previously). That didnā€™t solve the issue, so I found this thread.

Based on the info here, I removed my Hive config from configuration.yaml and deleted my login in from secrets.yaml. Rebooted, then installed this custom component (version 2020.1_b25). I rebooted after this, and got a notification that an integration needed reconfiguring. I go to the integrations page, and give the integration my login details. This created another Hive integration block, but the one that said it needed reconfiguring is still there (see screenshot). No devices are listed for Hive (I have the thermostat, 3 bulbs, and 2 sockets).

Thanks for the feedback Iā€™m considering removing the yaml version as it is used to create an integration but then it becomes redundant meaning every time you load ha itā€™s see it in your yaml file and then attempts to set hive up again but it can because a config entry already exists.

And based on people experience itā€™s becoming more of a problem than a benefit, I would delete all integrations you currently have and set it up via the UI.

That is set up through the UI though. Thereā€™s nothing Hive-related in the yaml at all.

Hi yes the process is still the same as documented but instead of installing the latest version install the beta release.

If you look at the documentation on GitHub there is a section called setup which shows how to setup via the UI docs link is just a little bit further up in this thread.

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I did install the beta release 2020.1_b25, as I mentioned in my initial post.

Ok please can you remove all the one currently setup by clicking the 3 dots in each integration and choosing to delete them.

Once done then setup a new integration via the add integration button.

I can remove the one that was added after I gave it my login info (the yellow one in my screenshot), but thereā€™s no option to remove the other one (the orange one). When I add a new one via the Add Integration button, It says it added one for my login email, but now I have two that say they need reconfiguring.