Hive Integration

Have you restarted your system after deleting them all?

Yes, I did.

Can you refresh the browser and clear the cache, if itā€™s still an issue I would try to reconfigure them all and if successful delete them afterwards.

Iā€™ve historically used the inbuilt solution rather than the customer component. Will this be updated soon or is the advise to move to the customer component? Thanks

The official one will be updated once the bugs have been ironed out in the custom version. Once I create a request to update official one it will need to be reviewed with the HA team so I could not give you an estimated time the it will be released.


Got it, thanks KJ. It took a bit of wrestling: realising that thereā€™s an ā€œinclude betaā€ toggle on the installation screen. Then I ended up wrestling with the config.yaml a bit when I got a notification that the config was invalid - it seemed not to be honouring the commenting out of a line, so I deleted it nd bingo, Iā€™m back in business. A bit more wrestling to update my automation actions and Iā€™m back in business.

Thanks for your help, and for the efforts of all the developers on this. Itā€™s a shame Hive donā€™t publish their APIs and manage them for 3rd party access, which would not be hard and would increase the value of their offer.

Hi, can I add a +1 to being unable to get Hive entities working. Theyā€™ve been missing for a while but only now have I had time to take a look.
I removed Hive Integrations from both HACS & Integrations. Installed the Beta HACS version (Can I suggest labelling it differently?) which has given me the Hive Integration but only 4 entities.
Removing and reinstalling after restarting (per @robdogg11 ) makes no difference.
Iā€™m getting binary_sensor.hive_online_status; water_heater.hotwater; climate.receiver_1 and sensor.thermostat_1_battery_level.
This seems to be what is described in the github Setup UI section.
A dropdown in the hotwater entity and icons in the Receiver 1 entity allow me to select operations but these were previously entities in their own right and able to be shown in Lovelace.
Is this as good as it gets, for now? Or am I missing something (again!)

Are you configuring your hive setup via a YAML file? if so that all that is supported, if you setup via the UI you will get the additional sensors back.

Iā€™ve only put username & password into configuration. yaml

I donā€™t understand what is meant by setting up in the UI. To me thatā€™s Lovelace!

Within home assistant configuration there is an integration page, from there you can add integration. If you search hive you will find it in the list and you will be able to set hive up through the ui.

Please remove any configuration yaml and restart before doing any of this.

That looks to have done the trick. Now 13 entities showing. Thanks for providing the Idiotsā€™ Guide to this idiot.

Hive isnā€™t showing in the list for me when I try to add it via the UI. Iā€™ve cleared any HASS cookies, cache, etc since removing my Hive install from configuration.yaml and installing the HACS Hive component. Hive also doesnā€™t show when I add my YAML config back in either. Anyone else experience this?

Iā€™m glad I came looking for help and itā€™s great to see the active discussion here. I have (had) Hive working through the standard configuration.yaml entry and everything stopped working the same day I changed ISP and router. Iā€™ve had to reconfigure everything due to different WiFi details, IP addresses etc and assumed that something had got ā€˜stuckā€™ for Hive. Having gone looking in .storage to see if there were any entries left orphaned I came away with no ideas.
This isnā€™t urgent for me and Iā€™m OK to wait for the final updated integration but might have a play with the Beta, especially if anymore feedback is needed.

Thanks, like many my Hive fell over a few days ago,
I have manually installed b25 into custom components, removed the config yaml entry (and remembered to set chmod 775)ā€¦
a few minor updates to the entity names and weā€™re back up and running

thanks for the solid instructions, worked like a charm

I decided to go for b25 anyway so I now have HACS and the Hive component installed. All working fine for me. Thanks for working on this.

Yep, was missing from Integrations for me too, force refreshed the page and it reappeared. All good now on b25.

Iā€™m trying to boost heating in dev tools services with the following:



Service Data:
entity_id: climate.heating_1
time_period: '01:00:00'
temperature: 21.5

But I keep getting this error:
Failed to call service hive/boost_heating. Replacement index 0 out of range for positional args tuple

Only seems to be boost heating Iā€™ve a problem, boost hot water is fine.
Any suggestions?

Could it be the non integer temp ? this works for me :

service: hive.boost_heating
  entity_id: climate.hallway
  time_period: '00:30:00'
  temperature: 20

just out of curiosity I thought of a scenario where the could be a bug, have you changed the entity id of your thermostat via the UI?

Yes, I renames quite a bit when I upgraded to b25. I think one of those things was the thermostat I renamed