Hive Integration

Thanks for the update. I look forward to hearing if there is something I can do temporarily rather than waiting for the next formal release.

It sounds like you are saying that AWS have made breaking changes to the boto3 library stopping the other integrations moving to it which seems poor. I’m actually an AWS Solution Architect so this is actually surprising to me.

I don’t think it’s aws that made the breaking change it was more that they introduced new functionality in the later version that hive needs that doesn’t exist in the older version.

The problem that has occurred is that the other integration within home assistant route53 and Amazon polly were developed using this older version. As I only do development for the hive integration I wasn’t aware of this conflict.

The reason this issue wasn’t identified in development was because I developed and released the custom component version first as this is the quickest way of getting people up and running again after hive moved there authentication model to aws.

On the back of that as I mentioned in the previous post because I had already ran the custom component version I didn’t see this issue as the custom component resolved the conflict.

With regards to getting up and running before the next official release. Tomorrow I we be creating a new version of the custom component which you can use.

Are you familiar with how to install custom components?

I am using the custom component successfully and have not yet upgraded to 2021.4. I’m not clear from this discussion whether it is ok to go ahead with the 2021.4 upgrade. Will it break the custom component? Or should I wait for the next point release?

What I meant was why the other components couldn’t use the newer version of boto3 if the library is backward compatible?

I’ve not installed a custom component before but I’m sure I can work it out if you point me to a link.

Thanks for doing this.

@perjury1 your are fine to upgrade to 2021.4.0 with the custom component installed. This issue is for users who don’t use the custom component and want to use the offical integration on 2021.4.0

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@Khole If we have the latest custom component installed then upgrade our HA to 2021.4.X will this automatically switch us from the custom component of hive to hive official version ?

Or do we still need to delete the custom component then install hive official via the integrations page ?

Thanks and sorry for all the questions !

I would recommend staying on the custom
Component if possible if you upgrade to 2021.4.0 of the hive custom component 90% of that is pulling in the official code.

So all in all I would update to the latest version of the custom component.

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Hello, newbie here. I never had a Hive integration working on my Homeassistant on Raspberry. Lots of other integrations working flawlessly.
All I did a while ago was to add the Hive section into the configuration.yaml (because I couldn’t find Hive listed at Configuration/Integrations). - bur saw nothing. I deleted the yaml entry again but still can’t find a way to add a hive integration via the UI. Any pointers? Many thanks.


Unfortunately there was a home assistant conflict stopping the hive integration working. The only way to get hive up and running is via a custom component.

As detailed here


Running the latest version of HA and the Hive Custom-Component no real issues during the upgrade.

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Does anyone know when we might expect the fix to be available?

Just upgraded HA Core to 2021.4.4 this morning, and it’s working! I don’t have the Hive Custom Component installed (I did, but removed it).

I have 2FA enabled on my Hive account - when adding the integration I enter my Hive Account details, it prompts for the verification code, code arrives on my phone a few seconds later, and it all works. Not sure yet how often it will need to request a new code - typically the Hive app requests a new code whenever you logout and login again, but clearly the HA integration isn’t logging in for each refresh, I assume it effectively stays logged in until the next restart of HA?

Can’t help with your 2FA question I’m afraid but just wanted to confirm that 2021.4.4 hasn’t made any difference for me.


2FA won’t be promoted again it works the same as the app it won’t ask unless you logout which in home assistant case is if you remove the integration.

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Thanks for the info, good to know!

Have you ever used the Custom Component? I installed the Custom Component on top of 2021.4.3, it didn’t work, then it started working after upgrading to 2021.4.4, at which point I removed the Custom Component and it still works with just 2021.4.4.

Same here, 2021.4.4 still produces the same error. Although reading the release notes for it, I can’t say I am surprised as I saw nothing about the Hive integration.

I have never had the Hive custom component installed.

I haven’t, to be honest I’m not sure how to do that.

I see the same as @qlqheixs - for testing, did a clean install of hassio and hive still errors out, think we need to wait for something to appear in the release notes before a stock install will work

OK, then I’m assuming that the only reason mine is working on 2021.4.4 is because I’ve previously had the custom component installed, it must be using something left over from that even though I removed it from the custom_components directory after upgrading to 2101.4.4.

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