HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

Can you provide a link, I can’t find it anywhere.

We’ve been doing initial research, sourcing the module, and have heard from the developers that the module will not be aimed at mass production, but will be available to higher-end commercial users.
It is already in mass production, and the overall selling price is relatively high (roughly 3x the price of the LD2450).
If there are further developments, we will be happy to share them with you.

Added transceiver antennas to provide better static capability.

I’m also starting to play with a HLK-LD2450 for measuring 3 persons in a room. I previously used the 24ghz from DFRobot. I just received this from the manufactor of the chips:

For getting the LD2450 to work on an ESP32. Do you recommend:

or the

or any other way? maybe update the start topic of this thread with a How to get it working guide.

Hi, I ordered LD2461 for testing
Would the LD2450 external component shared here work with the radar?

I am wondering the same, was also doubting if I could use the code from the everything presence lite..

What did you eventually started to use? Did you already compare?

the .yaml file is almost identical to screek-workshop’s release a 2A yaml with some differences. they add delay off filter for each occupancy zone. it have the same bh1750 light sensor. otherwise is the same. I think you can use it no problem just need to change the IO declaration and board type to your prefer esp32 board then it should working without problem.

Hi everyone,

Thanks a lot for all the shared information, very useful, I managed to setup my ESP32 with my HLK-LD2450, i used the yaml from screek-workshop for 2A device (thanks a lot for sharing) which i adjusted accordingly for my ESP32.

I’ve updated the firmware of the LD2450 to v 2.04.23101915 (latest one available), i used the Android app HLKRadarTools and updated it with bluetooth, worked perfectly!

The detection of 1 target is working and i can see in the app and also in Home Assistant (which i connected) the detection seems to work properly.

  1. Every hour or so, the device become unavailable in HomeAssistant and no data is retrieved (hence the lights are shutting down, after 30 seconds it comes back and lights are switched back on.

  2. In my living room I have three different area (with 3 different lamps) and i wanted to create zone for which i could enable the light depending on the zone where the target is, but i was not able to make the zone working: i’ve tried to set them up via the HLKRadarTools and i can see them in the app but in home assistant nothing is showing up or is retrieved, here you can see a screenshot of the app:

In Home Assistant i have many controls/metrics that are greyed out…

Do you have any idea how to solve/progress on both points ?


I just got a couple of BH1750, ESP32 boards and LD2450 a couple days back and without any prior experience with ESP32, with this topic and screeks yaml (thanks for the great work :slight_smile: )I got some readings out from both LD2450 and BH1750 to HA.

It took me a while to understand how to connect directly to the HLK tool on PC, mainly because I tried simultaneously have the ESP32 (4 pin connector) and TTL USB (to 8 pin)attached to the LD2450. Once I disconnected ESP32 and used the connector instead of 8pin to connect to TTL it worked nicely for visualizing the detection.

Anyhow, a couple of questions have risen that I could not have found a good answer (sorry about the wall of questions):

  • Is there a way to change the parameters via Android or PC? On android with latest beta firmware at least the “multiplayer” selection can be switched.

  • There has been discussion about combining LD2410 and LD2450. I have tried to find documentation about that (the YAML and wiring) but have not found.
    What would be the way of connecting both of those simultaneously to get the still benefits from 2410 and 2450?
    Are they “just” inputted as different sensors in ESP and then in HA the logic is built around the separate sensor outputs?

  • is there a good practice that should be used for esp deepsleep with HA? Can I give e.g. dynamical timer values to ESP when to go to sleep and when to wake? E.g. I don’t think that the radar is needed in the middle of the night)

(A bit of an off topic)

  • As there is the 2410S low power sensor. What would be viable options to create a battery powered sensor out of it? Something like a Zigbee module+2410S+battery+charger.
    In the after thought, I think I will wait for proper ESP32-C6 ESPhome support.

how is the ld2461? looks interesting! I have a few LD2410c but looking to buy some new stuff to play around with

Hello everyone.
Sorry for my English I’m french. But many thanks for your experience and development for esp and ld2450.
I start with esp32 into my home assistant. This is a new world and experience :sweat_smile:
For my side, I start with esp32 and LD 2450 in HA and all his ok. After I try to do the same with esp32 D1 mini and it’s working, but disconnected after approximately 10 minutes. I don’t know why. Did you have any experience with this problem ?! I try to install again and change power supply but the same … Tomorrow I try to return with esp32 to try.
Maybe I don’t have the last update in GitHub ? If you have the link for this.
Thank you

It is unusable
HiLink need to fix firmware.
Ghosting is crazy. You can actually see the issues, like finding circles intersections of detections is causing that you appear twice in two different places, etc.

I asked them to modify firmware that way that it will deliver some raw data and I will process it outside, myself, better. No answer.

Same with LD2450, I wanted raw data to fix issues, connect multiple sensor in one big array. But it seems they are not interested.

300k+ HA users, and even more of other platforms, seems to be not interesting market for HiLink.


Thanks for the feedback, hopefully saved a ton of my time. Been using 1125H, and tried 2410C today and it has been good so far. Kindly let me know of any real-world feedback of these sensors (2410, 2420 etc).

Thanks again!!!

I am using 2410C and all of them are working great, the only issue is that it is based on radius, while all my rooms are square, and I have a lot of open walls :slight_smile:
I tried to create an array of multiple 2410, each one in every corner of room, then based on it I tried multiple algorithms, basically it is about finding points where distance (radius) of most of radars are intersecting.

It works, but… yeah, works.

Next I tried to do same with multiple LD2450, effect was much better, however LD2450 had a lag, and it was also pointless.
Information returned from sensor arrived after I was in room, so it does not solve my problem.
Another issue with LD2450 is that there is some magic algorithm on chip, if there are more people in area, the sensor often interpret it as one person moving very fast between places.
So as long as Hi-Link will not open firmware for it, or at least do not provide more raw and faster data, it is not what I am looking for.
They could return only cloud of points, without classification and object tracking and it would be great.

Right now I ordered Texas Instruments developer board with antenna and 60GHz radar. I will try to test it, and build my own solution based on this chip (lets see)

There is an example:

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base on your map code and a little mod, we build a online guide (and code tool) for 2a: Add a map card to 2A

it’s work great.





Hi, based on your work, we made some changes again and managed to hide the 0 coordinate target and refine the code generator, please try them out, some of them maybe you can use in your original code.



From the specification I was able to obtain, it appears that Hi-Link’s radar is a close clone or a modified S5KM312CL.

I managed to get access to some of the documentation, which indicates that by setting a specific state on one of the circuit pins, this device can be switched into a mode where it sends additional data. I marked the pin in the photos. Using makeshift methods overnight, I connected to the mentioned pin and managed to read, or at least receive, FFT data: range, doppler, peak. I’m still struggling with the format of this data and the packet frames.
It’s possible that I’m mistaken and the data I’m receiving is something different. Especially since the expected baud rate is 115200, but the data resembles what I want to achieve only at a baud rate of 921600.

It’s also possible that the data format for Hi-Link is different, so I ordered RD-03D which are officially built on S5KM312CL and should be compatible with the documentation (time will tell).


After an extensive search, I’ve discovered that many sensors, including HiLink and AiThinker, seem to be clones of the S5KM312CL, which itself might be a clone of another sensor – it’s a complex maze.

Up to this point, my research indicates that Iclegend offers the most extensive configuration options. Notably, their 1T1R/1T2R sensors bear a striking resemblance to those from HiLink.

A key discovery I’ve made is that setting certain pins to a high state for a few nanoseconds after startup or reboot switches the UART to raw mode, unleashing a wealth of data.

The resources available are comprehensive, including source codes, datasheets, advanced calibration/configuration tools, and exhaustive documentation. However, purchasing these tools is a major challenge. My attempts to use Iclegend’s tools on Hi-Link sensors have been unsuccessful, likely due to some customized internal configurations that prevent compatibility with the original tools.

Another obstacle is the cost and availability of Iclegend’s development board, priced steeply at $250 and seemingly impossible to purchase. Access to most tools and documentation is restricted, requiring proof of purchase.

Additionally, I’ve learned that this radar system can operate in a master/slave mode, akin to the LD2461.

In summary, there’s a wealth of information and potential here. The optimal route seems to be purchasing the 1T2R sensor from Iclegend, complete with their support, and possibly designing custom PCBs for managing raw data transmission. The less desirable option involves hacking the LD2450 and modifying it to enable raw data mode through specific pin settings.

But their tools and firmware options are crazy in possibilites.

few links:


Your updates to the map code sounds great.
Unfortunately my internet connection, home server and network switch were taken out by a lightning strike so I haven’t been able to test it out. Currently sourcing parts to get my Home Assistant environment back up again.

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I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope you’ll be back soon.

That’s a lot of very hardcore information, and yes, it looks like they are all a series of jobs based on a core chip. That OP looks interesting.

i was looking for the LD2461 as new “fun project” but it seems probably it’s not time yet to trust these radar devices… it’s also quite expensive (15€ on Aliexpress is a lot :D)
did i get it right?

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