HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

In short, your choice is yours, my message is simply a note of caution. Now, it’s up to you to decide how you want to proceed with your inventions.

I totally understand you fear, i guess i would be afraid, too if my house would catch a fire. I’m just saying that… say, people won’t stop driving because one driver has been killed in an accident…it happens, sure, but it’s very unlikely, especially if you take all needed precautions.

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yea, but you would take precautions based on bad experiences others had, thats my point. Better to learn on others mistakes ))

Thanks, I pulled it together but as you can see, it just shows as unavailable.

I added the tx and rx pins to GPIO04, and 05 on the c3 mini board, and updated the yaml with the new values, i also removed the bh1750 and I2C as it placed everything into a watchdolg bootloop.

any ideas on why everthing is disabled?

How do I add it? Thanks!

I’m not sure I can help, it’s not my firmware. Maybe @screek-workshop will help you.

If you use my firmware, you can see how to add regions here. Next, you need to add the plotly-graph widget and manually write the points for the regions. You can learn how to add a widget by reading this thread.


The yura library is great and has simpler features that could be a direction to try.

For those who want to build a 2A if they want to use hardware similar to ours, consider these possibilities:

  • Make sure to remove the i2c part as gpio11 can cause errors without unlocking, also without light sensor access it can cause trouble.
  • Make sure it’s a c3mini (i.e. lite) without the ttl chip, using the native c3’s usb-jtag as the serial driver.
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I just installed your firmware, and everything is working. How do i get it to connect to esphome? Mine shows as offline even though the sensor is working in devices

thanks I managed to get it working, now just trying to get it to connect to esphome. It connects as a device fine just not esphome, where it shows as offline all the time.

Also, where can we get the stl file from?

Please share the STL files, or 3d models even better! Thank you!

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what firmware you talking about?

Anyone mounted the sensor in the ceiling?
Kinda like on the left, how is the coverage?

Thinking of connecting the sensor to sonoff basic to skip long usb cable to the outlet

Nice I got mine working too. Does anyone managed to make a card to show the map like in the original application?

I wrote a card based on the Plotly Graph Card which can be installed from HACS.

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Be aware!
Is coming…


Urgh but 2450 hasnt really been picked up by the masses yet

What is the difference?
Does it still do multi tracking like LD2450 with better static detection?

it look promising track up to 5 targets and longer still target rang detection up to 5 m motion trigger time < 0.5 s 15s maintain target before removing from presence detected status. interesting? also can determine target movement direction.

They already sell it in aliexpress 13.5USD + Shipping