Home Asistant Cloud

I wanted to test the Home Assistant Cloud. This worked good so far. But as i did a log out in the Home Assistant OS every time is restart the OS (e.g. to relaod the yaml configuration) it takes very long and prints the following message on startup:
“Starting Home Assistant Cloud…”

This can take up to 10 minutes

My System:

  • Core 2024.1.1
  • Supervisor 2023.12.0
  • Operating System 11.3
  • Frontend 20240104.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a test account for Home Assitant Cloud
  2. After login restart the OS (everything works fine on startup)
  3. Logout from Home Assistant Cloud
  4. After logotu restart the OS again (startup hangs on starting Home Assistant Cloud up to 10 minutes)

Here are the issues from the protocol

2024-01-05 22:41:16.683 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.stt] Setup of stt platform cloud is taking over 10 seconds.
2024-01-05 22:42:03.177 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:43:03.256 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:44:03.337 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:45:03.414 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:46:03.493 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:47:03.569 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:48:03.649 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:49:03.711 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: cloud, cloud.stt
2024-01-05 22:49:26.791 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.stt] Timed out adding entities for domain stt with platform cloud after 500s

Can you please tell me how to fix this.

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Check all the info here:

If you cant find a solution open a ticket.

Hey did you found a Solution for this? I got the same problem after removing my Cloud Account information…
Now i did a downgrade to 2023.12.4 and the issue is gone

Having the same issue. Made a Ticket right now.

I had a chat with the support and they will fix it in a future update.

Okay, thank you for the feedback!