Home Assistant 2023.7.2 X10 CM15A

I am a newbie to Home Assistant with some past linux experience.

Does anyone have an X10 CM15A working on Raspberry Pi 4B running Home Assistant 20237.2?

I have a lot of X10 devices throughout my home that I would like to integrate into Home Assistant.

From everything I’ve read I need to have mochad running. I have followed the instructions from X10 devices, CM15 Pro - Domoticz. I performed all of the steps in a terminal window from Studio Code Server. The only variation is that I used a mochad-0.1.21.tgz tar file that I obtained from this link: mochad / Discussion / Open Discussion: Rasberry PI compile errors .

When I get to the test line: echo “pl a1 on” | nc localhost 1099 - I find that HAOS does not support the nc command.

I also do not know how to see if the HAOS is recognizing my CM15A or to see if the mochad process is even running?

I do not get any error in my terminal window when starting ./mochad

I replied in your other topic:

Hi Tom,

If I am reading this correctly I need to have mochad running on some other platform? Since I installed Home Assistant OS on my Raspberry Pi I cannot use that to run the mochad?

You can, but you need the add-on as well.

Use this 3rd party addon to run the mochad server: GitHub - FloridaMan7588/mochad-ha-addon

Use the core mochad integration to connect this server to home assistant and access your devices.

Add-ons are how you run seperate programs and servers on the same hardware as home assistant.

Integrations are how home assistant talks to APIs provided by servers or hubs (running on the same host machine as addons, or as completely seperate stand alone server/hub hardware).

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We installed the 3rd party integration and added the mochad information into the configuration.yaml file. We only added one light and one switch for the purpose of testing. The yaml file passed the configuration test successfully. We restarted Home Assistant, saw the pop up saying mochad was starting. However we cannot see any of our added X10 lights and switches on the Home Assistant web page in devices and entities. Mochad does show up.

This is what we see in the mochad integration log file:

s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
mochad.c:680:usbfds 0x7facb31430 0x7facb35860 0x7facb35880 0x7facb35960 0
mochad.c:684: 3: 0x7facb35860 fd 4 0001
mochad.c:684: 4: 0x7facb35880 fd 5 0001
mochad.c:684: 5: 0x7facb35960 fd 8 0004
mochad.c:692:nusbfds 3
mochad.c:722:listenfd 9
mochad.c:778:bind() 0/2
mochad.c:783:listen() 0/2
mochad.c:790:flashxmlfd 10
mochad.c:843:bind() 0/2
mochad.c:846:listen() 0/2
mochad.c:859:flashxmlfd 10
mochad.c:908:bind() 0/2
mochad.c:911:listen() 0/2
mochad.c:357:copy_clients 0
mochad.c:357:copy_clients 0
mochad.c:357:copy_clients 0
mochad.c:961:accept() 12/11
mochad.c:260:add_client: i 0 NClients 1
mochad.c:345:cop… Read more

The integration is core, the add-on is 3rd party. You need both.

Did you follow the add-on instructions? https://github.com/FloridaMan7588/mochad-ha-addon#prerequisites

Did you find your CM15A listed in Settings > System > Hardware > (three dots) All Hardware

Thanks for the reply, As always your expertise and insight is greatly appreciated,

I mis-interpreted what I was seeing in the All Hardware. The directions said I should see something in hardware like ttyAMA0. I did see that but overlooked the fact that there was no physical device associated with the address.

I am now at a complete loss as to how I get HAOS to detect my CM15A.

I have tried both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports. I have tried with two different CM15A modules. I have even tried using different usb wires. I have also tried USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 powered hubs.

Both CM15A modules are readily detected on two different Windows laptops.

My Zooz 800 Z-stick is immediately detected by HAOS in both USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports. All of the USB ports are functional.

Any ideas or suggestions you may have are greatly appreciated.