Hey all. I’m new to HA and trying to figure out how to get the ADS-B feeder up and running with my configuration. Not sure if I’m missing something… possible to help?
Home Assistant Green
ADS-B receiver (Blue R820T2 RTL2832U, 0.5 PPM TCXO ADS-B SDR w/Amp and 1090 MHz Filter, and Antenna)
Installed ADS-B Multi-Portal Feeder 1.32.1
Obtained a FlightRadar24 key
Input FlightRadar24 key, lat/long, and elevation in to “configuration”
Config log finds the tuner “[dump1090] Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner”
I can’t figure out how to get Piaware ID: "
[piaware] FATAL: PIAWARE_FEEDER_DASH_ID not set!"
When I start, everything loads (except for the piaware error) and then it seems to stop itself. Not sure what to do next… any help is appreciated.
I haven’t had the chance to try this yet as I’ve been away for work for the last couple of months, but intend to try when i get back.
Install any of the other sites images directly on my pi3 and set them up, and get the required details. Then use them to set up the HA instances. It’s what i did with FR24. I’m guessing you need to do it to get past the initial setup.
Let me know how you go, or I’ll be trying hopefully before Christmas