Home Assistant Add-on: Hyperion-NG

I had to cycle it on and then off. Then everything began working again. I have not had to downgrade my HassOS, Supervisor or CORE. Running latest versions.

In my frustrations I did operate Hyperion through my HA integrations and forced a solid color to ensure connectivity was still happening. Then I did the above and viola everything was back to normal.

Thanks for the help, but i dont get it to work. What i tried:
-Cycle status in Hyperion Page
-Cycle status via hassio integration
-Downgrade everything possible (HA 5.10, Core 2021.1) / SU not possible to downgrade
-Reinstall Hyperion

This is very frustrating and time intensive…

I got it.
Just add
"privileged": ["SYS_ADMIN","SYS_RAWIO"],
to the Config.json

Edit2: i can now turn it on and off, but the showed colors are random. e.g.: Solid shows different changing colors.

Any ideas? Anybody who has a working solution?

I got myself also some WS2815 and tried to hook them up directly to the GPIO Pins.
I get the following error when I try to use it:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
2021-03-25T00:48:30.178 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <ERROR> Snapshot failed: -1
2021-03-25T00:48:50.318 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <ERROR> Previous line repeats 200 times
2021-03-25T00:49:10.419 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <ERROR> Previous line repeats 200 times
Can't open device file
: Operation not permitted
2021-03-25T00:49:12.430 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <ERROR> Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Failed to create mailbox device'
2021-03-25T00:49:30.518 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <ERROR> Previous line repeats 200 times

Can't open device file happens when I change my device from file to ws281x.
I am using the newest version of Hyperion.ng (Add-on) on my Pi 4 with the following system:

Home Assistant OS 5.12
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I’m also experiencing a similar issue with the Hyperion NG add-on and have tried the above fixes with no luck… Does anybody else have any idea how to fix this?

I have the same problem. I downgraded the os to 5.9 to solve the problem.

Looking for a way to change title dynamically according to the current state and effect chosen to run at the moment.

Default behaviour is to display “First LED Hardware instance” of course because this is the default name of Hyperion-NG setup

Any chance I can put some %state_variable% in the title field?

Hi all,

has anyone managed to solve the issue of using Hyperion via home assistant?

I’m seeing the same error:

[hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device ‘ws281x’ signals error: ‘Failed to open. Error message: Failed to create mailbox device’

Wondered if anyone had a solution?

I updated my OS to version 6, i have still the same problem. Downgrade to 5.10 over shell is not possible anymore :frowning:

and if there is an update Hyperion will it update automatically in home assistant?

i think yes when you have activate this option for hyperion

Updatet to the latest Hyperion alpha 10, same problem, nothing changed.

I skipped through the whole post and might have missed something, but maybe someone can give me a hint for my setup.

I have some LEDs attached locally to the HAOS host. The issue is that the add-on cannot see the device. As far as I understand the matter I need to add a ws281x device. Can this be achieved somehow, or would the add-on need to be updated?

Thanks for bearing with me, it is late and my head is spinning by now.

did anyone ever work out how to add ws281x LEDs ? or potentially update to a newer version of hyperion

Hyperion add-on was just updated to 2.0.12 today.

following thread

I’m just lazy to include it every time for any content. I decided to automate the work of hyperion I will share my version of how hyperion can be automated.

Read here
Watch the video


Device disabled, device ‘ws281x’ signals error: ‘Failed to open. Error message: Failed to create mailbox device’

has something to do with the add-on priviliges. when I run it with “full_access”: true option the error disappears

Would it be possible to somehow use Home Assistant to set the LED’s to white when playing DRM protected content such as Netflix?
Currently I am running hyperion ng on RPI and am not using HA to automate the LED’s. I am new to HA and might be posting in the incorrect thread?

So to summarize I would like to get HA running to set the LED’s to white via hyperion when running DRM protected content such as Netflix. This would get me ambilight for apps such as Plex and would get me white bias lighting when watching DRM content.

ps. Im using the native Netflix app on my android tv.

If your TV is an android TV you can use the home assistant android TV integration to see what app is running, and if it’s playing or paused. And then create an automation where the trigger is based on Netflix playing, and the action is to set the wled light to white.