Home Assistant Add-on: PSA Car Controller

I am still waiting to try and get my car added, but being one of the two main contributors to custom brand icons, these will be added by tomorrow


I had to use tronity for tracking due to peugeot still not fixing it, but its not a major issue, but panel complete.

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So besides tronity, currently there is no way to receive battery level with fractions? Cause consumption calculation can be quite off for short trips

In my HA was few day’s sensor working then they miss. After newest HA update they came back.
I have still one problem. car battery will charge till 80% and not able to continue. I have tried to push treshold button, but not continue. it could be continued minute or some thing, but after that stopped.

I have a same problem. Where is the file “config.ini” ?

I like so much your card configuration for your car. Is it possible to share your configuration pls?

Can you somehow issue a command and force the charging? Let’s say I want to start charging at night at different times (e.g. when the electricity spot prices are cheapest), without changing the deferred time every time.
I plug the car in, the wallbox charging is disabled, and after couple of minutes the OCPP reports that state is EVSuspended.
And if I start charging, nothing happens until I physically unlock the car.
Can this somehow be done via API? Without changing the deffered charging time every time?

Tried the following commands, don’t seem to help?

curl localhost:5000/wakeup/VIN
curl localhost:5000/charge_now/VIN/100

Hello, I also get all the data displayed under PSA Controller. But in the dashboard I do not get them displayed. Where do I hang?

IS there anyway that these values could be set in the Addon config page in future releases?

I’ve tried everything to get 2222 access and it’s just not happening. As a result I can’t gain access to the charging cost settings etc.

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Frist of all, a big merci for this great work - everything works for me & my DS7 :slight_smile: still one question,
how can I have access to these informations as sensors so that I can embded them in my own dashbord ?



any takers ?


you need to “pull in” the data into HAssio…

have a look here, its explained how.

GitHub - Flodu31/HomeAssistant-PeugeotIntegration: Integration between Peugeot API and Home Assistant



I am trying to switch on pre conditioning but it is never activated (on a Citroen C5X). My car info dashboard is working perfectly. Does anyone have a hint how I get pre-conditioning working?

Setup in config:


c5x WakeUp command


url: ""

c5x set custom threshold command


url: "{{ states('input_number.c5x_charge_threshold_slider') | int }}"

method: GET

activate preconditioning


url: ""

method: GET

stop preconditioning


url: "http://192.168..xx.xx:5000/preconditioning/VIN#13/0"

method: GET

slider to adjust new charging threshold



  name: Adjust new charging threshold

  initial: 100

  min: 50

  max: 100

  step: 1

  unit_of_measurement: "%"

buttons to set charging threshold or activate/stop preconditioning



  name: Set new charging threshold

  icon: mdi:battery-charging


  name: Activate preconditioning

  icon: mdi:play


  name: Stop preconditioning

  icon: mdi:stop'

and then automation to start pre-conditioning:

'alias: C5X - activate - preconditioning
description: “”

  • platform: state
    • input_button.c5x_activate_preconditioning_button
      condition: []
  • service: rest_command.c5x_wakeup
    data: {}
  • delay: “00:01:30”
  • service: rest_command.c5x_activate_preconditioning
    data: {}
    mode: single’

I use Peugeot e208 with PSA controller, its slow but it works, what’s the issue you are referring to?

Hey folks, I couldn’t find a way to update the costs (price per kwh) when using home assistant add-on, could you help me? Everything else is working correctly.

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Try to follow the instructions to edit the config files:

Hi all,

Trying to log in for the first time after installing psa, getting this mesage after submit, any thoughts?

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/psa_car_controller/psa/setup/app_decoder.py”, line 78, in firstLaunchConfig res_dict = res2.json()[“success”] KeyError: ‘success’ {“code”:“495”, “message”: “Invalid or expired client certificate”}

client certificate has expired.
We need to wait for flobz to fix it

So flobz fixed it yesterday, note that you need to follow activity.log when registering a car before doing otp, it happened to me that response was temporary unavailable but that didn’t show in the frontend, so don’t do otp untill login really completed!

I am driving a Jeep Avenger, which is also from the PSA/Stellantis group. It is not using uConnect as far as I understand, it uses myconnect.jeep.com.
Any idea if this could be added to the PSA add on?