Home assistant addon : Scrutiny (SMART dashboard)

So im running Supervised version of HA on my Ubuntu system. I get the protected mode error in the log of the scrutiny addon (full access), but its advise is to go to the “Supervisor Panel” which i think only exists if you are running the HA OS, which I am not. How do i get past that?

Hi, the supervisor panel is where you start the addon - it has to exist as the “supervised” name implies you run the supervisor :wink: it is a flag next to the other flags such as automatic update

That would the panel of the addon then. Cool. Found it. Thanks!

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So, I am running a Pi 4 with HAOS installed and when I click Open Web UI this is all I get. I am running an SSD made by PNY CS900 and it is supposed to support SMART.

" The CS900 produces sequential read and write speeds up to 535 MB/s and 515 MB/s, respectively. Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) is built directly into the CS900."

I am having the exact same issue with my main server running HAOS on an i3 with a Kingston SSD.

Relevant logs at start up:

time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=info msg="Verifying required tools" type=metrics
time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=info msg="Executing command: smartctl --scan --json" type=metrics
time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=info msg="Executing command: smartctl --info --json --device sat /dev/sda" type=metrics
time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=error msg="Could not retrieve device information for sda: exit status 2" type=metrics
time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=info msg="Sending detected devices to API, for filtering & validation" type=metrics
time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=info msg=" - db21ed7f-scrutiny [29/Oct/2022:13:20:09 -0500] \"POST /api/devices/register\" 200 40 \"\" \"Go-http-client/1.1\" (1ms)" clientIP= hostname=db21ed7f-scrutiny latency=1 method=POST path=/api/devices/register referer= respLength=40 statusCode=200 type=web userAgent=Go-http-client/1.1
time="2022-10-29T13:20:09-05:00" level=info msg="Main: Completed" type=metrics

Is it possible to just deploy the collector?

I’m already running Scrutiny elsewhere on my network, so I don’t need the UI etc. running on this box.

All I’d need to do is either run the manual instructions or the equivalent docker configuration and pass the COLLECTOR_API_ENDPOINT variable with the value for my existing server, and it should all work nicely, but I can’t see how to do that using this plugin?

Hi, you mean that you would only want to use the UI and therefore pass an external API Collector url ? Or the contrary, in which case would you know what is needed to expose the API collector for an external scrutiny UI to connect to it?

Sorry I don’t know how to help… Perhaps posting on scrutiny github? GitHub - AnalogJ/scrutiny: Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T Monitoring, Historical Trends & Real World Failure Thresholds

I need to run just the collector.

As long as I can pass the COLLECTOR_API_ENDPOINT variable through to the container, then I can point the collector at my existing UI server if that makes sense?

Have you simply tried http://SCRUTINY_WEB_IPADDRESS:8080 ? Or http://homeassistant.local:YOURADDONPORT ?

I haven’t, but that’s mainly because my understanding of the current solution is that it runs the full Scrutiny stack, not just the collector container (this is a separate, dedicated container under the hub/spoke model).

I’ll give it a go and let you know how I get on!

OK, I’ve just tried this and there isn’t an option to set these variables anywhere.

To be clear, I want to run the collector on my HomeAssistant box and have the UI elsewhere, not the other way around.

I’ll take a look at your code and see if I can do a “collector only” version.

Not sure to understand. What I mean is that I see that the collector url from the add-on is localhost:8080. The same 8080 port is mapped to the add-on. Therefore I would think the collector is available through the same port as the UI?

Another option, normally the collector is already to exposed through 8080 but if not I can add a nginx redirect to link the internal collector (http://localhost:8080) to an external port

Ok, I’ve pushed a custom version with
COLLECTOR_API_ENDPOINT, meaning that the API is linked to my addon webUI port, and it worked fine.

Therefore, it confirms that to do what you want (use only the collector), you need to use the HA url and webui port.

ok, thanks, I’ll give this a go when I get some time.

OK, I’ve just given this a go, hopefully I can explain things a bit better.

Scrutiny has three parts:

  1. InfluxDB
  2. Scrutiny
  3. Scrutiny Collector

Your Addon Currently runs all three of these things.

I just need it to run part 3 (the collector) and to be able to configure that collector to point at a completely different server that is already running parts 1 & 2 (http://scrutiny.mydomain.com for example).

There already exists a docker container for exactly this purpose, built from scrutiny/Dockerfile.collector at 5cc7fb30ed7f12a6153d051fae9c310d87736b4d · AnalogJ/scrutiny · GitHub and hosted at https://github.com/analogj/scrutiny/pkgs/container/scrutiny/49066670?tag=master-collector.

Note that this is NOT the same container as the “Omnibus” version (scrutiny versions · analogj · GitHub) which contains all three parts.

All I want to do is run the master-collector docker container, not the omnibus version. If that’s not possible with your setup, then that’s perfectly fine and I’ll see if I can create a PR for your repo that runs just the collector, but ideally I’d like to avoid doing that work!

Thanks, I do understand I just thought that the slight increase in resources usage wasn’t an issue. I’ve added an option in the newly pushed version that removes the scrutiny and Influxdb services from the omnibus images and prevent them from starting.

Could you please confirm if it works? Otherwise I might have to take other elements from the collector docker image (such as its entrypoint)

Thanks for this, and apologies for the delay in replying, I’ve only just got around to finding time to take a look.

I’ve seen the toggle and that seems to work well for switching off the UI etc, but I can’t see how to set that environment variable?

FWIW, this is my current configuration screen:

Hi, which environment variable ?


If this is not set to the remote server, then the collector doesn’t know where to send the report once it has run.

I need to achieve the same as scrutiny/example.hubspoke.docker-compose.yml at 075eb94fa265d6679ecaeba53d05d7568c173e0b · AnalogJ/scrutiny · GitHub but via the Home Assistant configuration for this add-on, otherwise this won’t work.