Home Assistant Alexa Cloud - Device is unresponsive

Hello sir!,

I solved the problem by doing these steps but after 10 minutes all my device states on alexa went back to “Server unresponsive again”,

Is there any other way to solve this?

Thank you, this got my system back in operation! I was able to shortcut it by deleting (renaming, really) /config/.storage.cloud and restarting HA. All the devices that Alexa said didn’t exist or didn’t respond or weren’t in my profile are now working as before.

This started when we had a power failure at home that was long enough for my UPS battery to go dead. My HA instance is running as a VM hosted on a Synology NAS. Apparently when it unceremoniously lost power, some files were corrupted. It took several days to finally delete the right things for both my Zigbee and Zwave dongles to begin working, only to discover that Alexa apparently could no longer control all these devices, even though they were detected and any changes to them would also be detected.

It has been a long week, but so far as I know, this is the last broken item from that event.

Thanks again for the guidance!

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Today my devices became unresponsive in Alexa.

Tried to re-add the skill, re-expose entities to Alexa - nothing helps. Also, in NabuCasa web account I see “device is disconnected from cloud”, although it is indeed connected and I can visit it by NabuCasa address. Also in HA itself it says “connected”.

Is there some hiccup on NabuCasa side?

today my Home Assistant devices got unresponsive in Alexa too.
First, i thought it was the update to Home Assistant 2023.10.3, Supervisor 2023.10.0 and
Operating System 11.0. But in Homeassistant all devices are running normal and working with Assist.
Also I opened the Alexa App and there were none of my devices reachable.
So I thought this could be troubles within Alexa itself.
Normal restart of Homeassistant did not help anyway. But it wasn´t at least.
By the way - I use NabuCasa.

Go to → Developer Tools
Select → Restart → Advanced option → and click “Reboot System - Restart the system running Home Assistant and all add-ons”.

After doing this all my devices in Alexa are reachable again and working as expected.

Hope, this helps others


I did that and killed a container running in port 80 and it started working for me again!

hoping someone has any other ideas here… I have been using the alexa integration for some time… but over the last week, all my devices went unresponsive… I rebooted the HA installation, I removed the devices and relinked my account but as soon as I add a device (expose) it shows it as unresponsive in Alexa app… I am at a loss…

This absolutely has to be a networking problem. For me, if my ISP connection drops, or I unplug a network cable anywhere on my network on the path from my HA which is running in docker, to my ISP, then this problem occurs. It’s as if the connection between HA and Alexa servers is lost and it’s never re-established, which is 100% a coding problem that exist in how HA is implementing this. Of course, a restart of HA solves this because it forces that network connection to be re-established. This is a major problem that has been plaguing me for nearly two years and it needs to be fixed.