Home Assistant Cast

I can’t get this to work (on Home Hub) as I just get the ‘Not Connected’ message under the ‘HA luvs Nabu Casa’ graphic. The demo works fine though. I have SSL enabled via DuckDNS.

However, I cannot access HA on my internal local network using the DuckDNS address - I have to use the machine name or IP instead. I believe this might have something to do with my router not handling NAT loopback/hairpinning.

Could that also be preventing Cast from working i.e. the Hub is trying to access HA using the ‘external’ address but both devices are on the internal network? Or do I need to add a CORS entry to my config…?

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Same situation for me. I’m pretty sure it’s my router’s fault it doesn’t allow NAT loopback.

Any ideas to overcome this?

I had the same problem, no loopback available. What I did to make it work :

  • Use Pihole as DNS server and reroute my hassio url (ex for me : xxxx.synology.me:8123 to my local ip adress) (you can do this with a simple dnsmasq too)
  • As Google Chromecasts use hard coded Google DNS ( & , on my router I made 2 static routes --> My local Pihole DNS Server and–> My local Pihole DNS Server

This ist just awesome, i bought a nest Hub.
Now i would like to cast my hass.io Installation tonit. Can anyone give me a short Tutorial how to Setup the HTTPS configuration only for local Access ( have a vpn running)?
I read so much threads but could Not find a suitable solution for my problem. Sorry for this noob question, i am a HA beginner.
Thanks in advanve guys.

If the port is closed on the router then it will be local only

I got the Lovelace Working over HTTPS with self signed certificate but Nest Hub says mit connected.
What am i doing wrong?

@ds1707 try this in configuration.yaml

  base_url: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx

This i my cenfig:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/certificate.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
  - https://www.home-assistant.io
  - https://cast.home-assistant.io

161 is the ip of HA and 193 of the nest hub.

If i try to cast via https://cast.home-assistant.io/ i can login but then i receive the failure:

Unknown error (TypeError: Failed to fetch).

i can’t help you further unfortunately.

Thank you anyhow!

Can anyone else help me?

Does anyone know how to get this “Next Screen” button? What card should I use and what should it contain to switch me to a different view?


Really want to know that too!

I’ve not touched base here for a little while, is there the ability to use HA Cast in automations yet? Love the thought/possibilities of HA Cast when it can integrate as a notification target. e.g. motion detected at front door, automatically throw up a lovelace screen on the Nest Display Hub.

Love to know if that’s possible yet?



I’d love for this to happen as well, and I’ve read somewhere in this thread that this is one of the devs goals. I’d love to be shown the alarm keypad if it is ever triggered.

I’m having trouble finding my Nest Hub as a destination. Logging in to cast.homeassistant.io I can only see one chromecast, and one of my Google home minis. Anyone who has an idea what could be wrong?

something, something, Apple, something, HomeKit, something . . .

I don’t have any problem launching the cast from the website but when I try to add the card to my configuration I get a message cast API unavailable any ideas ?

The latest release says HA Cast can now be used in automations. Anyone tried tho out or able to share example yaml?


That this doesn’t work as well, but it does have OK speakers and Google Assistant

But yeah you can do the same thing with a tablet

I can see a Nest Hub having higher SAF (Spousal Acceptance Factor) because of its finish and ergonomics - it will sit nicely on a kitchen bench, bedside table etc with OK sound, camera etc and all the standard Google stuff.

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