Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

I don’t understand what exactly is your problem? You say that you have static ip for home assistant. Ok. You have adguard addon and you should add home assistant ip to your router dns resolvers.
I don’t understand what ip did you wrote in your router dns resolvers. It should be home assistant ip.
As for ipv6 goes, don’t turn this off. It will just create problems and will give you zero solutions.
I done that when I started with home assistant because someone wrote that on forum, claiming that this resolved his network problems. But this didn’t resolve anything.


I have the IP of my HA as my local DNS server and I also see requests incoming from all clients. But no ad requests from iPhone and windows machine are coming in and so they can’t be blocked… :frowning:

maybe you have custom dns on those devices

Nope, already checked it.

Found the solution for the desktop machine: Chrome brwoser has an own category for “safe browsing” which is enabled an send the DNS via instead of the local DNS set in the router.

Now I must find out the problem with iOS; the HA is set as manual DNS already…

Hi all, is there a way to block the access to the addon with a user and a password?

I don’t know for addon as I don’t use addons but I can block access to adguard with username and password.

Hi all, I installed AdGuard Home addon last night and all seems to be working well. I have a quick question though… is it possible to access the web ui without going in via HA? Can I put an IP/port into my browser, and it take me straight through to AdGuard Home? Or do I have to go in via HA?

It should be possible on all installations of ha. You need to enter your_ha_ip:adguard_listening_port ie.

Ok thanks. I’ve just tried that, my port is defaulted to 53, and I get an error when I try to browse that port - ERR_UNSAFE_PORT. I’ll need to have a google about this error message and understand why port 53 is deemed unsafe, but I assume I can just change the port (5300?).

Port 53 is port used by dns. You need to find out what port is using webui. Try to open webui from ha and see what port it is using.

Was thinking if it is possible to add AI to it to check my visited website afterwards and if it’s not okay block it from then on?

Dynamic/Al blocklist based on website you visit.

I’m running two instances of AdGuard Home, the 1st using the Home Assistant integration and the 2nd instance is running standalone on a separate Raspberry Pi. Having two AdGuards allows me to reboot HA and still maintain access to the internet.

I try to add the 2nd AdGuard Home instance to the HA integrations page. In the configuration, I set the IP address, port = 3000, and unchecked both SSL options. But, I always get a “failed to connect” error.

Has anyone been able to add two instances of AdGuard Home in HA?

How does one make use of this?

Very simple.
For example, if you want to block facebook, create 3 new entities:

    name: Allow Facebook
    # initial: on
    icon: mdi:facebook

  - id: enable_facebook
    alias: Enable Facebook
    hide_entity: true
    initial_state: 'on'
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.allowfacebook
      to: 'on'
    - service: adguard.remove_url
        url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gieljnssns/Block_facebook_dns/master/adguard-facebook.txt

  - id: disable_facebook
    alias: Disable Facebook
    hide_entity: true
    initial_state: 'on'
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.allowfacebook
      to: 'off'
    - service: adguard.add_url
        url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gieljnssns/Block_facebook_dns/master/adguard-facebook.txt

Then, whenever you want to block facebook, turn the switch.allowfacebook to OFF, and unblock, just turn it ON.
Of course, you can create a automation to turn it ON or OFF according to your needs

To answer my own question about adding a remote instance of Adguard Home to HA.
In the HA integrations page, when adding Adguard Home, I set the port of the remote instance to 80 (not the default 3000) and disabled both SSL options. I now have two instances of Adguard being monitored by HA.

Is this actually working for you? Seems to be missing a line and contains the deprecated key hide_entity

This integration allows for mutiple AdGuard instances. However, I can’t see how you can have service calls target a specific instance. Seems that the service calls only target the first instance added. Am I am issing anything is it possible for the service calls to be directed to different instances or all instances at once?

The integration is working with two instances. I am able to control each instance of Adguard individually from HA. I verified it by toggling the “protection” switch for each Adguard instance in HA while observing the protection status button in each of the Adguard dashboards.

Thanks but I’m talking about the service calls such as adguard.add_url