Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

Oh, you are correct! I only see service calls for the HA instance of AdGuard, nothing for the remote instance. I guess this isn’t really a problem though. I have AdGuard Home Sync running on the remote machine, so any filter changes made to AdGuard on HA, get automatically copied to the remote AdGuard.

It works for me, nothing more needed
However, it will be by passed if the client device using vpn such as…

I’m surprised as add_url requires the name key

Yeah OK AdGuard sync is on my list of things to look into. For others the service call goes to the first AdGuard instance. I have the remote one first.

thank you,
it worked after adding
a “name” value to the automation:

    - service: adguard.add_url
        name: Youtube
        url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gieljnssns/Social-media-Blocklists/master/adguard-youtube.txt

I need some help here. Suddenly in my 2 HA installations (home and work) i see queries originated from an internet ip to my HA.
Port 53 or anything is not open off course and this ip nothing has to do with the internet IP’s in both installations.
In the 2nd location i have a standalone ADG on Ubuntu as second dns server and this installation doesn’t receive queries from this IP ( and all the clients have as DNS the HA ADG and the Ubuntu ADG so this means that this ip is from HA.


Also the querys seem to be for some online lists… see here

All - I could use some guidance/confirmation I am on right path:

I ran the “Test Ad Block” script at Test Ad Block - Toolz

It showed I’m not blocking Google ads, and some others. I think this is because I have “Encryption” disabled in AdguardHome and because most of my Google engagements are https, which I don’t think AdguardHome is blocking (because encryption is off).

[If this assumption isn’t correct, please let me know]

If it “is” correct, I would like to enable Encryption under AdGuardHome Encryption Settings.

I’m currently running HAOS w/ NGINX and DuckDNS. I setup an external port of 1122 to connect to HAOS (e.g. https://myservername.duckdns.org:1122).

Under AdGuardHome Encryption are these the right values to enter:
Server name = myservername.duckdns.org
HTTPS port = 1122
Cert = /ssl/fullchain.pem
PrivateKey = /ssl/privkey.pem



I have read through this blog and done a search but I could not find a way to import a static client list to the dhcp server.

Is this possible without having to add each static address one by one manually?

Apologies if I have missed this.


Is there not an easy way to back up settings? For a later reinstall/migration etc?

Stuff like customized settings for clients, filters, static leases etc etc would be quite nice, rather than screenshots of the config pages!
Not sure if I’ve missed it anywhere.

If not, is it possible to add this as a feature request somewhere?

Even just to download a config/backup file locally via the web browser would do the job.


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I was looking for this as well. To migrate to another host/HA instance would then be made easy.
Or even for a back up that was accessible outside of the docker container or within HA

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Hi folks, could I get a hand please as I’ve followed the instructions to the best of my abilities but don’t seem to be getting anywhere. The Add-On has installed and seems (almost) flawless.

I have long established (via HA/Settings/Network) a static ipv4 address ( for ease of access) for HA and an external DNS for HA as well.

I have also referred my router’s DNS to my HA IP.

The HA installation is also set as a static IP via my router.

Regarding the Adguard-Addon, the general settings are default.
The DNS settings have been edited, it has by default the following added in to the text window:
I have manually added the below to the window.
And as suggested, one entry per line.

Encryption settings, Client settings and DHCP settings are all default.

As far as I can tell - this should work… I have restarted the HA instance and tried a few random google searches for testing purposes. When I visit the Adguard-Addon GUI, it says 0% everything.

Do I have to manually add every client to this? I had understood it would operate for any devices operating from the same router where I had previously pointed the DNS to the HA install (x.x.16.16)?

I would start by taking out as the secondary and see what happens then. Otherwise some clients may be preferring that.

Also you need to make sure your DHCP is serving the correct Adguard DNS server

Thanks :slight_smile:
All sorted… needed a full reboot of HA rather than reloading YAML.

Is the Adguard add-on available for acting as a DNS server with Core and Container as well as OS and Supervised?

Please be aware that AdGuard’s DHCP setting will need to be updated after the latest HomeAssistant OS release due to a breaking change: Release Home Assistant OS 11.0 · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub

This update caused my AdGuard DHCP to register on the docker network and had te be manually reverted to the ethernet network, now end0 instead of eth0.

Hi @niro1987 unfortunately I’m running into this issue

I lost all networking capabilities after the OS11 update and am trying to get it back up and running (temporarily had to shut off DHCP on AdGuard and use router).

Can you refresh my memory:
Under HAOS->SETTINGS->NETWORK->CONFIG NETWORK INTERFACES what should the Static IPV4 values be? They were all nulled out.

Should it be:
IP Address: (my RaspberryPi)
Gateway: (my router IP)
DNS Server: (my RaspberryPi). ?

Or, is the DNS Server supposed to be the router IP ( or an external DNS ( I can’t recall

And any other changes I need to tweak again to get this running? Could use your tips…

Thank you!

I too had to revert back to OS 10.5 and have temporarily moved the DHCP to my router.
You can change the DNS to although this will have the same effect as setting it to the pi’s ip.
You can list multiple DNS records to act as a fallback like this:,,


Hi there,
I’m using the AGH addon for HA since long and everything is fine.
Local (LAN) clients do work as expected as well as WAN connected clients (via DoT and DynDNS), such as some Android device for example.

However, when my ISP WAN-IP at home changes every 2nd or 3rd day, AGH DoT clients cannot resolve DNS queries anymore, until I put them offline for a moment and then re-connect to their previous network, such as LTE. After this, DNS resolving via AGH works again for them.

Till now I could not find a way to overcome this issue.
Restarting the AGH addon after HA’s WAN-IP has changed (by some automation) did not improve anything.

I’ve really no clue at the moment why just WAN DoT clients seem to have a problem with a WAN-IP change of my HA instance where the AGH addon runs, because actually the new WAN-IP is reflected for the related DynDNS entry, as well as HA.

Exemplary sequence flow:

  1. HA incl. AGH addon is up and running with current WAN IP, (mobile DoT) clients can resolve DNS queries
  2. ISP forces WAN IP change, DynDNS, HA, AGH recognize that WAN IP change
  3. Mobile devices cannot resolve DoT DNS until they will be disconnected from current network (e.g. LTE) and then be reconnected

Any hint would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

But what is the cause?

For me 80% of the DNS requests are being made by and for me that seems odd.

I have AdGuard Home in other location, and there is no DNS requests being made by


You configured it that way. It’s the obvious reson.