Not really the same thing but you can do continuous streaming from Google Music (preferably with Gmusic proxy in order to not stop the play in the middle) to a Chromecast group:
Hi, it is really great!
I have a question which is probably silly but is it possible to have it also for video?
So tv supporting chromecast would be available for air play?
I guess a year and half ago hasn’t changed anything to Google Chromecast open source…
Anyone has a clue how to use the AirPort from an Android or Windows device?
Hey I wonder whether anyone is experienceing the same issue or is able to provide me with some help or guidance.
I am unable to connect to Aircast device upon updating to version 2.4.0. When I try to connect to device i get the error message on the apple device saying: Unable to connect to ‘device name’. I have tried this on all apple devices within the entire HASSIO ecosystem. → same message on all devices.
I have tried to solve to problem doing the following:
I have uninstalled the aircast add-on and installed it again which didn’t make a change
I deleted the aircast cofig file, agian that did not solve the issue.
I am running the following system:
Add-on version: 2.4.0
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: HassOS 4.15 (armv7 / raspberrypi3)
Home Assistant Core: 0.116.4
Home Assistant Supervisor: 249
That is exactly what is happening on my setup. Looking through the log files I cannot see any errors, or logs entries that would hint towards an error. It’s a pity as I was using AirCast on a daily basis.
I’ve just tried installing it for the first time and I get this error too @frenck what is the process for us raising this? Is there an issue log somewhere where we need to formally raise?
EDIT: Just seen that an issue has been raised here.
Thought I’d add this, but it’s not working for me??
Add-on version: 2.4.1
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 5.10 (amd64 / qemux86-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2021.1.1
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2020.12.7
I am running HA on an i5 laptop if that makes any difference.
The addon starts and there are no errors. It finds all my chromecast devices, but when I try to screen mirror on my mac mini, there are no devices available (besides my one appleTV).