Home Assistant Community Add-on: Bitwarden RS

Issues such as the Android app crashing sometimes and requiring you to relogin before working again? I’ve had that happen in the past couple of days, but the Chrome extension has been problem-free.

The database is in: /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/a0d7b954_bitwarden/ . You’ll need to ssh in to get this. You can then copy to a shared location.

I wanted to upgrade to the latest bitwarden_rs, so I wound up hosting it myself (PI4). Seems bitwarden_rs made some changes, so it cannot be universally installed as a hassio addon right now.

Backup the above directory (just in case)
Stop the Addon (don’t remove it)
login via ssh

docker pull bitwardenrs/server:latest
docker run -d --name bitwarden -v /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/a0d7b954_bitwarden/:/data/ -p 7277:80 bitwardenrs/server:latest

This should use the same configuration/database.
Swap out 7277 if you used a different port
I then used the Portainer add-on to make it restart unless-stopped. Probably an easier way

I’m using Bitwarden firefox extension version 1.46.2 and can’t unlock, I have to logout and login again.
Is this issue fixed in latest version?

1 Like

Hi All,

Does someone run BW with SMTP email settings?
I run my own mailserver for years now. Work perfect.
But can’t let BW let work with my email settings. All the time errors etc.

SSL Certs are from LetsCrypt.

Is there a way how to fix this?

[2020-10-26 18:23:40][request][INFO] POST /admin/test/smtp/
[2020-10-26 18:23:40][error][ERROR] LetreErr.
    Custom {
        kind: Other,
        error: Failure(
                Error {
                    code: ErrorCode(
                    cause: Some(
                                    Error {
                                        code: 336130315,
                                        library: "SSL routines",
                                        function: "ssl3_get_record",
                                        reason: "wrong version number",
                                        file: "../ssl/record/ssl3_record.c",
                                        line: 332,
                X509VerifyResult {
                    code: 0,
                    error: "ok",
[2020-10-26 18:23:40][response][INFO] POST /admin/test/smtp (test_smtp) => 400 Bad Request

When try different settings:

[2020-10-26 18:32:36][error][ERROR] LetreErr.
    Custom {
        kind: Other,
        error: Failure(
                Error {
                    code: ErrorCode(
                    cause: Some(
                                    Error {
                                        code: 337047686,
                                        library: "SSL routines",
                                        function: "tls_process_server_certificate",
                                        reason: "certificate verify failed",
                                        file: "../ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c",
                                        line: 1915,
                X509VerifyResult {
                    code: 18,
                    error: "self signed certificate",
[2020-10-26 18:32:36][response][INFO] POST /admin/test/smtp (test_smtp) => 400 Bad Request

Looking for this on my hassio installation and I don’t have it there:

login as: root
Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20190608"
 _    _                                         _     _              _
| |  | |                          /\           (_)   | |            | |
| |__| | ___  _ __ ___   ___     /  \   ___ ___ _ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ | |_
|  __  |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \   / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __/ _` | '_ \| __|
| |  | | (_) | | | | | |  __/  / ____ \\__ \__ \ \__ \ || (_| | | | | |_
|_|  |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\___| /_/    \_\___/___/_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\__|

Our command line:
$ ha help

~ $ ls /
addons   bin      data     etc      init     libexec  mnt      proc     run      share    ssl      tmp      var
backup   config   dev      home     lib      media    opt      root     sbin     srv      sys      usr
~ $ pwd
~ $ ls /mnt/data/
ls: /mnt/data/: No such file or directory
~ $ ls /mnt/
~ $

Where else might that database be stored? How does the backup work? Does the snapshot capture the passwords?

You can’t log in via the normal ssh. You need to ssh in via the debug method. Then you can get to the full filesystem: see link below

Another note: if running hassio, the location is: /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/a0d7b954_bitwarden/
If running supervised, the location is: /usr/share/hassio/addons/data/a0d7b954_bitwarden/

If you install the standard bitwarden addon (then stop it–do not uninstall it), the standard snapshot process will backup the database. this is because we point docker to the same config directory. In fact, if you are running the add-on previously, this will use the same configuration and don’t need to modify anything.

Hi, I hope this is not seen as disrespectful as I greatly appreciate this addon but as I see that it has not had changes in quite some time, I checked forks and see that two of them are actually more advanced and have upgraded from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 : mww version and BVGorp version (that actually reverted to 1.16.3). The hyperlinks correspond to the comparison with the master branch. Does someone has feedback on those? Thanks!

I mostly hope that the upgrade will solve an issue that prevents deleting elements from connectors as recycle bin is not implemented in the 1.16.0 version.

Edit : I backuped my vault, deleted the addon then installed mww 1.17 version and restored the vault. So far everything runs smoothly and delete now works!


Thank you @alexbelgium !!!
Worked for me too.
Did you also migrated users and organizations? If yes can you please tell me how?

@frenck: It would be nice if the official addon could be updated :slight_smile:

Hi, I don’t use users or organisation (single database only). Perhaps if you update it will simply allow you to use your previous database, as long as the user us the same… Just make a backup before (I use this addon) and if it goes wrong you can restore it.

Hi all, i’m having an issue with Bitwarden. I’ve it installed as an addon through HA. When trying to log-in with the windows 10 app it gives me an error “wrong master password”. When I logout and login again it works. Don’t know what is going on.

Anyone else having this problem?


Hi there, how did you do this, could you explain? I’ve an issue when locked out and trying to unlock I got the message “wrong master password”. I’ve looked it up and I believe this issue is solved in newer versions.


Hi, I remember having the same issue if I updated the addon while keeping the same config. What I did is simple (I did not have users & organizations so not sure how it would impact) :

  1. go in the current version of bitwarden, export the vault as json
  2. uninstall the current version
  3. reinstall the new one (mww version is based on the latest published docker image) and restore the vault from the json
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I understand, but how did you do step 3?

@darryl12123 Here are the detailed step 3:
3.1. add my repository into hassio (explanation here)
3.2. install the updated bitwarden
3.3. create a new user (as it is a new install).
3.4. Then you log in, go into the Tools tab (second tab on top left), and click on “Import data”. Then you select the format (bitwarden json probably), select the file that you exported from step 1 on your disk, click “import data” and that’s it! (see official documentation here : Export Vault Data | Bitwarden Help & Support)

@ElVit According to the official documentation link above, you can export/import both vault & organization

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Ah ofcourse, just through the hassio ui, thanks for pointing me to the right direction!

Altough it would be nice if the official addon could be updated.

Anyone knows if mww will be updating to 1.18.0 released 8 days ago?

Hi, I cloned the bitwarden addon in my own repository and updated it to 1.18.0. It works great. Of course, given it is the same addon but from a new repository, you’ll need to recreate your main user, export your database to json and reimport it.

In my repository there are several addons that I cloned (with proper sources) to allow a faster update… alexbelgium/hassio-addons: My home assistant addons (github.com)

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Well,It seems you have everything I need in your repo. Thank you!

You’ll be updating it regularly? You use it personally also?

Hi, indeed I use nearly all of them personally except for Radarr. So I should update them regularly (as it was one of the basis of creating my repo, + adding local mount options to some addons), and if I miss something you can just create an “issue” in github (or send me a message) and I’ll do so.

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Thank you for this. I was able to get your version up and running quickly and maintained shares. Steps I followed:

3.1 add my repository into hassio (explanation here ) (same)
3.2 install the updated bitwarden (same)
3.3 Stop old Bitwarden instance and disable watchdog
3.4 ssh into HA (I have root) and issue these commands:
3.4.1 cd cd /usr/share/hassio/
3.4.2 cp -R cd -R addons/data/[old_instance]/* addons/data[new_instance]
3.5 Start @alexbelgium’s new instance of Bitwarden