Home assistant community addons : LMS the Lyrion Music Server Formerly the Logitech Media Server or SqueezeBox Server. Squeezelite Player

Already answered on your github thread.

Can someone tell me where the Slim_Devices_Remote.ir is stored. Iā€™m trying to get my infrared remote control to work, but I have to adapt the file but I canā€™t find it on my installation.
My Home Assistant runs under Home Assistant OS 12.4 on a hard kernel ODROID-M1S.


If you enter the addon container, you can run

find /|grep Slim_Devices_Remote.ir
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I might have a challengeā€¦ I have added LMS thanks to this addon, great to be back as I would say (I used LMS and before that Squeeze Server), for some time until I moved 3 years ago)!

Now, the thing I am trying to solve, my challenge if you will, is that when I use Squeezelite player, in combo with chromecast bridge (!), I seem to ā€œlooseā€ the stream I am currently listening to. Now the ā€œstreamā€ is for the moment (I have no FLAC files added to LMS repository as I write this) one of 4 radio station thanks to ā€œRadio Play nowā€ integration in LMS. So it is one of four radio stations (Swedish P1, P2, P3 or P4). Remember I am just setting this up!

Now I listening to one of the stations, say SR P3, and it is after all a radio station, so from time to time one person speaks, and then a song is played, and then someone speaks again. Every time this happens, change between speaking and music, I seem to loose that stream. Now I using my KEF LSX2 speakers, and they have among other things chromecast built in. So, the link of all is: LMS - Radio Play Now - SR P3 - Chromecast Bridge - KEF Speakers. There are a lot of things that could easily go wrong here I guessā€¦

Anyway, if anyone has any idea, please let me know where or what I need to look for since I am out of ideas for the momentā€¦

On the subject is another thing with the LMS package here, into Home Assistant: I get a lot of flickering of none loaded pictures (I use the same stations above, as favorites, in this case) if I use the LMS from this addons left side panel (the one that gets installed by this addon) - however if I use a WEB page card, with the IP adress and :9000 port, then everything just works as expectedā€¦ It got to be a gremlin here somewhere? So same thing here, if anyone has any ideas what I am doing wrong, please let med know :slight_smile:

Fantastic! I had LMS running on a Proxmox LXC and struggled with updating etc. Then I found this. Thank you for making this.

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@Lars_IH the ingress support is an utter hack and is very rough round the edges(we are doing something thatā€™s not really supported) and others seem to have issues I canā€™t recreate or can and not fix, the web page card / iframe dashboard should work well i test with both, the other queries are better directed at the LMS forumsā€¦

Watch this space folks hoping to merge server sensor support out of the add-on into the main squeezebox interrogation its been a long an torturous process

Hey there. Iā€™m new to these forums, so I apologize if this in the wrong place or if itā€™s been addressed previously.

Iā€™m having an issue where I lose connections to my players. I have one or two in an automation where I trigger a playlist or radio station at specific time of the day and then trigger to stop in the evening. It works great for x amount of days, and then it will stop. What I need to do is go into the automation, unsect the player in question, reselect it, and then save it. From there forward it works for a random amount of days until it fails again.

All my endpoints have fixed IP addresses, and even when HA loses the ability to control them, and I can still play to them directly through LMS.

If this has been covered previously, can someone point me in that direction?


Hi yes you want a thread about the integration rather than the server addon, try turning on debug logging for the integration and see what you get when it stops.

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I have recently set up the Squeezelite Player in HA running on a Pi4 with an Allo Digione hat connecting to my existing Lyrion server.

The player works with the onboard sound (although volume levels are very poor/low), but it does not detect the Allo Digione for coax output. Iā€™ve tried Pulse and Alsa builds without success.

Listed output devices are:

[13:57:26] NOTICE: Squeezelite possible outputs(alsa)ā€¦
Output devices:
null - Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
lavrate - Rate Converter Plugin Using Libav/FFmpeg Library
samplerate - Rate Converter Plugin Using Samplerate Library
speexrate - Rate Converter Plugin Using Speex Resampler
jack - JACK Audio Connection Kit
oss - Open Sound System
pulse - PulseAudio Sound Server
speex - Plugin using Speex DSP (resample, agc, denoise, echo, dereverb)
upmix - Plugin for channel upmix (4,6,8)
vdownmix - Plugin for channel downmix (stereo) with a simple spacialization
default - Default ALSA Output (Home Assistant PulseAudio Sound Server)
hw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0 - bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones - Direct hardware device without any conversions
plughw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0 - bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones - Hardware device with all software conversions
sysdefault:CARD=Headphones - bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones - Default Audio Device
dmix:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0 - bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones - Direct sample mixing device
usbstream:CARD=Headphones - bcm2835 Headphones - USB Stream Output

Should I be seeing the Digione listed here? I donā€™t have any USB headphones attached so not sure what this device is.

It works fine using PiCorePlayer, so this issue seems specific to this player.

Thanks for any assistance.


Why not use picoreplayer then?

Sorry, realized you are trying to run it on HAOS. Do you know what kernel modules it uses in picoreplayer, and whether those modules are available in HAOS?

Hi @pete105, yes I am with @nickrout on this one your missing the kernel level support for the hat in HAOS, hence its not listed. The bcm HEADPHONE stuff is all different thing for getting at the built in headphone jackā€¦

Thanks @pssc @nickrout, I suspected that the hat was unsupported. I previously used the Pi just to run PiCorePlayer, but due to a recent upgrade to a dedicated streamer, I was trying to re-provision the Pi to run HAOS and also play music in my garage, using the hat to output to an amp via coax.

It sounds like I need to have a rethink, and investigate other (USB?) devices which could achieve the same thing. Alternatively I could just keep both functions separate if they canā€™t co-exist on the same Pi.

It looks like thereā€™s a similar situation for Hifiberry hats: https://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4406571293585-HiFiberry-Digi-Raspberry-Pi3B-Home-assistant-Hassio

Thanks both for your input.

Do you currently have a home assistant setup? Or will the pi be your first?

I ran Home Assistant in VMWare on a Windows NUC for some time. I do still have the option to revert back to this, but given the Pi was going to be sat online 247 but only used for short periods when Iā€™m working in the garage, I wanted to see how Home Assistant might work on the Pi and also test this Squeezelite addon.

Maybe go for a supervised install you could probably get the hat going on that @pete105

Or a docker install.

Thank you @pssc @nickrout - I will investigate these options and share the outcome.

Iā€™m seeing this error in my logs:

2024-09-03 10:42:43.742 ERROR (MainThread) [pysqueezebox.server] Failed communicating with LMS: <class 'aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError'>

But I uninstalled the add-on 2 weeks ago, and in the mean while, HA has completely restarted (as in the VM was even completely turned off, so not just a partial restart of HA).

Did I do something wrong when uninstalling LMS ?

Do you have squeezebox media players configured?