Home Assistant Companion for iOS login problem


Brand new HA user so I’m still trying to figure things out.

I just installed the HA Companion app for iOS (version 2024.12) on 2 iPhones. Both of them can automatically detect my HA server using the http://192.168.x.x:8123 address. Both properly bring up the login screen and then both give this error:

The operation couldn’t be completed.
(Shared.ServerConnectionError error 0.)
Error code: Shared.ServerConnectionError 0

In the application settings I have unchecked and rechecked access to the local network. I don’t think this is the problem as the login page shows up properly which I believe comes from the HA server.

When I connect using Safari I get the same login page, but it actually lets me in, and I see my devices.

Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated.


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I think you will find your answer here: TL;DR answer is don’t use auto-discover, Manually add your server instead.


Are you sure?
Today there was an update for the home assistant app for ios.
After the update I was not able to use the app anymore, I got the same error like the OP.
In the settings I saw than, that you have to put in your lokal SSID to be able to access the internal IP-address of home assistant.
I am sure I didn’t do these settings before.
On my ipad, old home assistant app, is still working

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Just installed HA on an old Iphone and had exact this error.
Using the manual setup did the trick

same here

very annoyning cos all setting in ha are gone or corrupted

I have the same problem. I fixed it by setting the privacy setting “Location” to “Always” and “Exact location on”.

If I turn this off, HA won’t work. WHY?

iOS 18.2

Hi! I had the exact same problem manual setup did the trick as well for me (just adding the ip manually … the same proposed automatically).

Thanks to all who replied. Manually adding the URL did indeed fix it for me also.

Very odd seeing as how the auto discovered URL was exactly what I put in, but I’ll take it.

Hey folks, just a context of why location permission is not required to use the internal URL:

Starting on 2024.12 the App will only use the internal URL when an SSID (or hardware address in case of macOS) is defined and location permission is granted, the App will not fallback to the internal URL in case the external URL is not available unless those options are defined.

Background: This is to protect most users which have internal URL configured with an unsecure connection (http) to expose their tokens in public networks.


  • Set the external URL instead (not recommended due to the security concerns above)
  • Give the App the permissions needed and define your local network (SSID) so the App knows when it’s safe to use the internal URL.

Based on some feedbacks I know the communication of this change was not done properly, so because of that I paused the phased release of 2024.12 and the next patch release will add more details and also an option to fallback to internal URL without location permission (on your own risk).

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More information will be updated here:

Seems “exact location” is only needed.

2024.12.1 is now released and the change has been reverted for now. Apologies for the inconvenience.