Home Assistant Cookbook - Discussion Thread

What on earth is Py-spy? :thinking:

A live profiling tool GitHub - benfred/py-spy: Sampling profiler for Python programs Used for debugging slow code?

Not sure where you’re going with this…

My feeling is that Cookbook posts do need to be in Community Guides, so that anyone can edit them. Do you want to restrict editing to “team Cookbook”?

Does it belong in “A collection of posts on how to perform common tasks and deal with common problems”? The Cookbook’s going to end up just another Community Guides if we’re not careful. Also, isn’t it a custom add-on?

I’m trying to find a way, to use a bit more than the first post of a topic, as I think, we loose people, if we can’t find a way to make it more newbie friendly.

My personal not-good example is the start page of ESPHome. I can’t find anything, the sheer mass of devices, components and what not overwhelms me sometimes.

As the name says, Cookbook, and we need to find a way, to bring that into a topic or something similar. :laughing:

No. :slight_smile: It’s for development and as nothing to do with a Cookbook. It would belong to a dev category or even better, to a dev cookbook. :slight_smile:

Yep, as I said above. That’s why I’m looking for ways around these limits, but keeping in mind, that we don’t want to loose the audience - new and not experienced users. :slight_smile:

its The tool that Nick (Bdraco) always asks you to run if you have performance issues and troubleshooting is required … and refers to this Guide.

(its not for developing, it really is for troubleshooting to be able to hand the devs the numbers to actually do that for your instance)

since it needs to be done on the container and not from inside the generic HAOS command line, people always have trouble installing it.

hence the community guide to make life a bit easier

It essentially is an extension of Nicks own post Home Assistant Cookbook - Discussion Thread - #147 by MaxK

A fine community guide, but isn’t this well outside the scope of a cookbook? As well as being a custom add-on, which we agreed quite early on shouldn’t be included.

For this series we are limiting topics to items directly related to Home Assistant Core & Frontend, and not individual Custom Integrations, Custom Themes, Dashboard Items, Add-ons or Blueprints. Consider starting other lists for those.

Anyone else have any thoughts?


Maybe the problem is that we’ve been recycling too many posts from elsewhere, when in fact they need to be specially written.


Im fine with leaving it out.
its not strictly an add-on though (at least in the Add-on definition of the add-on store).
Maybe that is even the whole point of adding it, because if it were an add-on, it would have been much simpler…
Ill leave the decision up to you, and apologize for being too fast to add in that case

No, no, thanks for contributing - let’s see what other people think.

It’s turning out to be a bit difficult to keep focused on the scope of the project. :grin:

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This is a great point!

For example, a team with cross training will have less gaps in the ability to produce positive outcomes when experiencing changes in personnel and operational needs.

This forum is no different as contributors will come and go !

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Maybe we could have some “internal” list, where we keep these things, to maybe add them in the future. It’s not about the guide itself, it’s about taking it into the Cookbook.

Honestly, I’m here in this forum for quite a while, but I haven’t had one occurrence in the last years, where this would be needed or even asked for. So I think it’s safe to say, that this is not one of the TOP 50 things, we should add to the Cookbook, in my opinion! But I’m only one voice of many! :wink:

Not sure, if that is really needed. I’d argue we should make some kind of check for the guides, where we decide, if the guide is ready to be taken into the Cookbook, and if necessary get’s updated, not newly written. :slight_smile: But this is something, we should leave at least in parts to the author.

That’s why we need the edit function for others, to do these updates to a guide, even if the author is not available at that moment. :slight_smile:

It could also be that we’ve already added most of the obvious topics - maybe we should slow down now. :grin:

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I’d suggest to take a look at the provided statistics in the Cookbook. We can see, how often a link was clicked, and can work with that. :slight_smile:

Once a month we can take a look at these and react by deleting some links, or add some interesting things in regard to what is often clicked.

I think, this is something that grows automatically. If we remind ourselves to delete some things from time to time, than we will be good to go.

And let’s not forget one thing: HA is a massive system, with lots of functions, that need to be explained. It’s more like a two or three volume book, than a “simple” topic, that we’d need to explain everything.

What about this one: Installing HAOS on a dedicated x86-64 PC - #11 by MichaelSidenius

Since there is a section about installation, this post is quite helpful for x86/64

It would need to be edited into a single Community Guide post.

OK, I will ask him to do it so he gets the credit for it.

I think the cookbook is a great idea! :+1:

1 thing I wonder: the official docs were the place to go to and of course they need TLC and updated regularly.
Is the cookbook not turning in a copy of some stuff of the docs.
Of course one can be a supplement to the other and it doesn’t have to be a ‘fixed fact’ on how they evolve.

I’m just curious whether this has been considered…

Could be - it’s a danger we’ve talked over a few times. (This thread’s getting a bit long to find anything easily.) And you’re absolutely right, it shouldn’t. There would be no point.

Some of the docs are written as introductions - there’s a chain of pages about writing automations, for example - and in those cases the cookbook simply links to them. Most of the docs have a reference function, though, whereas the cookbook should be more practical how-to.

The original idea was that it would address practical questions that get asked all the time (@tom_l 's post on motion activated lights is a great example). The trouble is that questions get asked at lots of levels, so the answers are on lots of levels too.

There’s also the fact that the people who write the cookbook posts are interested in the technical stuff (obviously), so maybe some posts do drift towards the docs end of the scale.

This is why it’s important that as many as possible of the posts should be written as Community Guides. Anybody should be able to edit them and if they get too referencey hopefully somebody will change that. Maybe. Perhaps. :roll_eyes:

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As Stiltjack said, but to add my 2c:

The formal docs describe what’s available. The cookbook are illustrations of common, practical cases (but not limited to) — about what’s possible. Where a lot of people struggle with technical docs is that they don’t know how to piece things together.