Home Assistant Core on Android Tablet

i’ve been trying to install following all the instructions (OS RessurectionRemix, android 7.1.2), but im getting many errors during the installation, the first one is when it tries to install cryptography-3.3.2.tar.gz.
when getting to the end, HAss is not installed.
does anyone know what the problem and how to fix it?

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Thanks for the great work you have done. I installed HA on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. First, when I run HA it gets stuck while trying to connect to my TV. It is not frozen bu doesn’t go ahead either. Meanwhile, I can log into HA web page and do preliminary setup, but there is no Supervisor option. Is this because of the package we installed, or being stuck in the middle of identifying entities? Thanks again.

I also encounter a problem, do you know any solution?

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I have the same problem when I choose America/Sao_Paulo.

I am getting same timezone error ! Anyone solved it ?

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Please check here: Install Home Assistant, Mosquitto broker and Node-Red on android - #483 by fuatakgun

Supervisor option cannot with inside Android as it requires containers . If you want to install it inside Android, only option is to have core as alone. Please do not forget Android installation is not supported.

The timezone got broken in the latest release. Install tzdata, restart and it should work fine.

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I’ve pretty much installed HA successfully on a Galaxy S4 (props to the guide writer!). But, I’m having trouble getting mobile_app running. I can’t get PyNaCl 1.4.0 to install in my hass venv, only 1.3.0 which isn’t working for mobile_app and I was wondering if anyone else had this issue.

Yep, had that exact issue when I updated to the latest version. After some trial and error I found out that the 2021.8 versions don’t work on Android due to needing PyNaCl 1.4.0. The most recent version I have got working is 2021.7.4 which still used PyNaCl 1.3.0. There are some other things which break on more recent versions so I think just stop with 2021.7.4 if you want everything to work. From the original instructions, to get this version installed properly then after running:

source hass/bin/activate

do these:

pip install pip==20.2.4
pip install wheel tzdata xmltodict pynacl==1.3.0 idna==2.8
pip install homeassistant==2021.7.4

These are all bits that if not done you’ll have to fix later so quicker to just install them from the start.


You’re a lifesaver. This worked perfectly; thanks!

Happy to help.

This may be out of the scope of this guide, but I’m having some issues just getting Termux running on a Galaxy Note 4 running Lineage 18.1. I’ve attached screenshots of what Termux is saying; if anyone could either help me understand what’s going on or point me to the right place to get help, that would be great!

Looks like the repository might have been down when you tried. Give it another go or do a clear cache/data from Termux then try again.

This is miss-titled as you are not using the android operating system, but replacing it with lineage operating system.
I have failed to find a Home Assistant server that runs on android, the only ones around are terminal programs. This includes the Home Assistant APK on Google Play!
The only servers on this website are for Raspberry Pi
ASUS Tinkerboard
macOS and Linux
Although many people claim to have it running on android, I have yet to see any explanation as to how they did it!
It is very frustrating to run the Home Assistant APK and being asked where the server is, no default set up to run on the device itself. Every instruction demo I have seen so far jumps this step into a fully working program, where they can download “the extras”.

If anyone has issues trying to get devices to connect to the MQTT broker:

With version 2.0+ of mosquitto, its limited to just local host access. So you might be able to add MQTT to home assistant and test publish/subscribe however to have other devices (not your android device) connect to your broker (like tasmota, etc) you need do to a few more steps.

After installing mosquitto, we need to edit the config. Use the command:

nano /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

And add these too lines to the bottom of the mosquitto config file (use alt+/ to go to end of file):

listener 1883
allow_anonymous true

(use ctrl+x to start to close nano, y to yes to save edits, enter to save as same name)

listener 1883: opens the MQTT broker on AndroidDeviceIPaddress:1883 for MQTT topics.
allow_anonymous true: allows any device to connect to your MQTT broker without a username or password. I would recommend just using this for testing/getting MQTT working first.

When your ready to add security to your MQTT broker, take a look at method 2 here on how to and change the true to false.

Now with the config saved, you have to point mosquitto to that config file when starting mosquitto since Termux has a different home directory as stated in the original guide above.

So now you use the following command to start mosquitto (-d to start in background and -c to point to config file):

mosquitto -d - c /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

Since I didn’t want to type this all out when testing, I would recommend making a bash script with your mosquitto and home assistant commands. Learn more about bash scripts here

p.s. If you having trouble even installing mosquitto, you need the f-droid version of termux. The google play termux version doesn’t install mosquitto for me.

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Lineage is also an Android operating system, but you are not limited to it.

We need a terminal to run multiple scripts/executables and termux is a great option here.

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So I gave AdGuardHome a try and I have it working in Termux. One thing I haven’t found is a command to get it to start at boot along with everything else. Anyone else tried and got this working?

Do you run it with sudo? Then you need to make a delay so your android is properly startet before calling sudo.
This is needed on my device as every sudo command is denied if run before magisk/superuser is startet.

Hi i need help! Zero skills in termux, was trying to setup on my android device! During installation got an error saying
Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly
Can someone help me with this!

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