Well just installing any single app is stupid easy – Basically you give it a name and click next a bunch of times. But anything beyond that, the TrueCharts team considers an advanced set-up and some existing knowledge, research on your own, etc… is expected. At that point, you’re learning about Kubernetes and I agree, it seems overwhelming. That’s exactly why I’m just using docker-compose (at least for now)
This is absolutely a possibility and definately a risk that needs to be considered. I figure (and I’m just guessing) the worst case could be that docker is removed in a future update. This could be a real hassle if your not prepared, but TrueNAS is only updated a few time a year. My plan is just to check release notes before each update… If I see something to indicate that docker may be removed, I’ll just hold off the update until I either build another docker host or possible just move everything to a VM on SCALE.
No, but I’ve only tested the installation of my plugins is working… Home Assistant was failing to install on FreeBSD 13.0 with a permission error, but I’ve already fixed that.
Absolutely, and I would still try to contribute and help out when I could. For the most part, maintenance at this point should mainly be bumping the python version every year. Having to make sudden changes to this plugin to fix installation issues doesn’t really happen very often.
According to Home Assistant Analytics, there are only about 7,000 installs of Home Assistant Core to begin with. I doubt we make up any significant portion of that. Based on the spike of what I assume to be updates made after Home Assistant 2022.2
release, I’m guestamating there are between 50-100 people who might be using this plugin.
No - I’m just using macvlan, that’s it. I can reach Home Assistant for example using http://ipaddress:8123
just like my jails. And when connecting to the ZWaveJS2MQTT websocket, I can use either ws://ipaddress:3000
(over macvlan) or ws://zwavejs2mqtt:3000
(internal docker network) And far as I can tell, discovery is working as well. At least my ESPHome devices are detected when I switched everything from Tasmota.
I think I saw something on the forums that TrueNAS SCALE does something to actively block mDNS other than it’s own - Honestly, I think the only reason it’s working for me is because I’m using macvlan.
Did you just copy/paste from my compose file, or did you edit the network section to match your own network and set the ip for each container accordingly?