It seems the device_tracker is being registered using a GUID versus the Device ID name set in the app name.
Corresponds to my phone. It tracks correctly.
The GUI integrations page correctly lists my iPhone and using the Device ID set in the app as the name. But all the related sensors do no contain the GUID or the device ID; so if multiple phones being tracked these sensors overlap with a _2, _3, etc. They all get listed for each phone being tracked.
Notifications seem to show up correctly as mobile_app_<<device_ID_set_in_app>> and seem to work fine. Restart after adding for this to work.
Same here on all three counts except I note that the _beta given at the end of the Device ID in the app is not used, possibly just using the device name set in iOS?
I have notifications working for the mobile_app prefix, but like others, don’t see the _beta at the end of the device ID. In addition, my notifications aren’t vibrating or playing a sound (if I turn that on). If I use the ios target, i.e. notify.ios_scotts_iphone_beta (as opposed to notify.mobile_app_scott_s_iphone), I get the sound.
Definitely makes sense to add back iBeacon exit events somehow. Just need to consider the best way so that it works well for both single beacons and blanketed zones.
Does 0.91.2 or build 40 trigger a reboot of HA? Mine just restarted out of the blue and I can’t think of why. The new sensors from 40 showed though, so that’s nice lol
Yep they all show a friendly name of Last Update Trigger. If I look on the dev-state and look at the history it seems that all six sensors (I have sensor.activity and sensor.last_update_trigger in addition to the ones you show) contain the same information and it looks like a merge of all the data I would expect across those sensors. For example sensor.battery changes from Background Fetch to Charging to Automotive then to Walking.
@robbiet480 I also see the sensors as sensor.battery, sensor.bssid etc not sensor.device_ID_battery, is this expected? It will presumably get confusing with multiple mobile_apps connections. Cheers again for the huge amount of work
FIX for my problem 3 days before: " can’t make auth with any iOS app including this beta , while using Nginx proxy server"
After trying every config and debug for this problem for 3 days without finding anything on the web.
Fix the Errors deal with iOS app 1.5 and iOS 2.0 BETA
As a couple people have pointed out, themes are almost working, but not quite there! Screenshot attached - but is this something we need to fix with the theme itself, or is this the new HA app not honoring them? (note: the production version of the app looks way worse related to blue, so it definitely got better!)
Thanks! - Looks awesome Are you able to share the theme to confirm this is a theme issue vs software? As above - I just pulled a few themes from the theme gallery here, it’s possible (probable?) that I need to update them!
Though, it only works if you start HA with it. It won’t work if you change themes via the user interface. So if you want to setup themes per user, make sure the headers have the same color across all themes.
Been getting this error every time I start the app since the latest build, need to click ok and done every time no problem connecting after that until next restart of app. Anyone else? Also it has gotten really laggy, tried reinstall but hasn’t helped