Home Assistant for iOS 2.0 Beta Testing

Appreciate it. Just a heads up, i’ve updated my HASS to the latest version and this seems to have fixed the choppy scrolling through out the app.

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Can you explain how this is different than the Home Assistant suggested NGINX config? That’s what I use and i’ve never had any issues.

The errors about looking up redirect_uri don’t have anything to do with nginx, it has everything to do with Home Assistant being able to make a outbound connection successfully to one of those URLs to verify the legitimacy of the app’s authentication request. Usually when people report this problem to me, it’s due to a broken IPv6 stack. I did have one case recently where the issue was due to the user not properly installing SSL certificates (there is a less than 1% chance this is your issue, its only a problem for the Python.app install on MacOS).

EDIT: Coincidentally, this GitHub issue has seen some activity recently and describes exactly what the fix was. My suggestion to everyone is that if you are using nginx, only use it with the Home Assistant suggested configuration I linked above to avoid issues like this.

The choppy scrolling issue has disappeared. I did two changes, updating to 0.91.3 and removed the ios integration that I still had active (the one configured in GUI, not configuration.yaml). Hope this helps.

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Thank you arrrrr this is so confusing!!! Could have sworn @robbiet480 said you DIDN’T need mobile_app: ?!

As it stands right now you need mobile_app:. If you use actionable notifications you need ios: as well. I only have mobile_app: right now.

Thanks. So much misinformation! :wink:
Will have another crack at getting it working.

Hmmm, even with ios AND mobile_app I STILL don’t get any notify devices appearing in dev view (which I gather I should?) and push notifications do not work.

Do you have a push ID showing under notifications? If not, force close the app and open it again and restart home assistant as well

yep, definitely. Have also reset the app and deleted the ios.conf a couple of times.


Always getting this error message when going to app settings and clicking ‘Validate and Save Connection Settings’.

If I click ‘Done’, it still enters HA.

Last beta (40) and last HA version (0.91.3), although app still seems to report 0.91.1 (any idea why?).

I’ve had that a few times. I’ve now deleted my ios.conf and HA has so far not managed to or hasn’t been prompted to create a new one. Have tried reboots, sending a “one shot” from the app, importing push TO the app, nada.

FINALLY - got an iOS push notification working - thanks to this obscure post.

How can we use actionable notifications then?

I have iOS: as well as mobile_app: but I’m not getting the service or the device registering with iOS component


Removed the mobile_app integrations in the web gui.

Stopped HA

Updated to 0.91.3

Reset the app.

Restarted HA.

Configured the app

  1. Device tracker is still using a UUID for the name and not the device id specified in the app

  2. In the web guy integrations I can see the 6 created sensors all have nondescript names without the UUID or device id. Just sensor.battery, etc. But the history appears correct now.

  3. The notification is as it was in 91.2 – notify.mobile_app_johns_iphone (as per the device id in the app)

Note for the notification to show up took a restart after configuring the app and it showing up as in integration.

So still some inconsistencies in the naming. I know you are working that issue from comment above.

I would like to see the device tracker, notification, and derived sensors all have the same naming scheme. I prefer the device id specified in the app; but if it has to be the UUID I’m ok with that too.

Thanks! Is there a way to make this the default or does each payload have to have the default sound?

Yep, that was my mistake. I was looking at my old entity IDs, didn’t realize that devices were now identified with a UUID.

If I get a vote, I vote against using a UUID to identify mobile devices, particularly if an upthread post by jimz011claiming that entity IDs starting with a number (rather than a letter) cannot be used in template sensors is accurate.

Edited: corrected value_templates to template sensors.

Maybe I’ve missed something but after upgrading I don’t get any sounds or vibration on my iPhone when any notification or alert comes in. Any one else?

Sounds are no longer on by default (poor choice, in my opinion, but I’m not writing the code :grinning:).


You have to add “sound”: “default” to your payload.

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This is the silliest thing ever. With sound should be default. Like every other app on your phone.

If people want to deliver notifications silently, make that the configurable option.

Please remember this is a BETA, that means that it is under development. I for one fully, understand why one would opt for this path. The reason for it (no set sound = no sound), is that it’s probably the easiest way to get “no sound” working, without changing a lot of code.

That does not mean this option cannot be perfected, but it also does not mean it was a bad choice as a MVP feature.

Maybe it’s just me, but I think some of the comments/commenters lack the proper regard one should have for a developer that’s actually trying to get shit done.