Home Assistant for iOS 2.0 Beta Testing

I got exactly the same error I fixed it by removing all of the new mobile phone entries under “Integrations”, restarting HA and then going through the installation process again (it took about three minutes to finish the Sensors Confiruged part).

Hey Rob, great job on this one, I just upgraded to build 43 and everything including the integration went smoothly. One question, is there a way to adjust the TTL(Time-to-live) for the settings option. I can’t seem to catch on time and I don’t know to get to it once gone.

I am still seeing the old naming structure for device_trackers using the uuid. And sensors just getting a sequence number appended. I am on ios app 43 and HA 92.1. Did the device naming not get into this build? Or do I need to do something on my end to resolve it?

Updated to the latest(43) and I’m still stuck with this error. What can I provide to help get it fixed or how can I fix it? I can pull logs if need be, or whatever else is needed.

Thanks, i’m trying this but it seems it hangs forever on the “Sensors Configured” part (I’ve tried this several times). I’ve then killed the app and restarted. That created a 2nd integration and “sensors configured” was done instantly ( I could allow location updating for some reason). I removed the first integration after that.Then I restarted HA again and the app after that. All to no avail i’m afraid.

Upgrade problem for me.
Build 43, 0.92.1, Nabu Casa with remote control enabled. Install finds local instance, but then gets stuck on the ‘grant permissions’ page

And I can’t click the close button. (iPhone SE on iOS 12.2)

I tried disallowing/disabling some of the permissions and then reallowing - but no different. Deleted and then reinstalled also.

With the close button on top of the text, wondering if it is due to the ‘nice’ small screen of the SE that I have to live with? :slight_smile:

I think this is a known issue. See this GitHub issue. Pretty sure Robbie is actively aware of this one too.

You are right @TomBrien. Thanks for that.

Thanks, tried this now 3 times and still no luck. Not sure what my issues, but I am no longer getting the error message in the logs, but I have left it sitting trying to create the sensor for 20 minutes now and still not done.

Hi @robbiet480

On 92.1 and 2.0b43

  1. The sensors show up drop the device name and the UUID. See below. The entity_id is what is reported. But if you have multiple iDevices running the beta the entity_id’s overlap and resort to _2, _3, etc. I believe the unique ID should be used; to match the device tracker; or to use the friendly device name.

  2. The SSID sensor is somehow created as sensor.bssid_2 – see below.

  3. New setup is nice; but on the allow page the location could not be allowed; had to go to the settings/privacy to do that. It would pop up but then refresh quickly to the HA screen. The other two allows worked fine.

         "config_entry_id": "04fd6e4563f24609bdcd41b234df5511",
         "device_id": "fa6dd27b6880421fbd60e17f8eb09a45",
         "disabled_by": null,
         "entity_id": "sensor.bssid",
         "name": null,
         "platform": "mobile_app",
         "unique_id": "bcac5f6532822490eccd64a5e0c31f4fda86cce922a3e54dd84fadc62daa24f7_connectivity_bssid"
         "config_entry_id": "04fd6e4563f24609bdcd41b234df5511",
         "device_id": "fa6dd27b6880421fbd60e17f8eb09a45",
         "disabled_by": null,
         "entity_id": "sensor.bssid_2",
         "name": null,
         "platform": "mobile_app",
         "unique_id": "bcac5f6532822490eccd64a5e0c31f4fda86cce922a3e54dd84fadc62daa24f7_connectivity_ssid"

it seems the “hanging forever” only ocurs when cloud is enabled. With cloud disabled it goes right trough ( also no 3 minute wait). but again, same error and no notifications :slight_smile:

The on boarding process is slick! Way to go Robbie. It worked perfectly for me. I have Remote UI and an Nginx Proxy that it picked up immediately.

I like the new onboarding, but I seem to be stuck in that I can’t tap the Settings cog. I see it sometimes appear and then disappear.

Also, what can I cleanup in .storage to remove old entries? I nuked the HA app and started over so now .storage/core.config_entries has the wrong push_token for the app.

It’s definitely looking good, thanks!

iPhone X
iOS 12.2

Settings is now located in the menu/configuration panel. On mine, it is located just above Developer tools.

I’ve been seeing the same for the last few updates. They still work though.

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For me the notification service is not registered at all. I am on latest HA + app.

I imported push configuration and restarted HA several times but still no notify.mobile_app… service shows up.

Worked fine in previous versions of beta

Thanks! That wasn’t obvious to me, but I see it now.

Don’t know if this is the right place for this error report, but critical alerts only accept a value of 0 or 1 (so silent of full blast). Nothing in between because it apparently expects a int and not a number.

Apr 29 17:35:19 ha scl[31137]: 2019-04-29 17:35:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mobile_app.notify] Value type for APS key [volume] is a number.

As per https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/setting_up_a_remote_notification_server/generating_a_remote_notification#2990112 this should be a float

Out of curiosity, why dit je withdraw this post, did you find a solution?

same as @riemers and @fillwe stuck after the browser screen for authentication (iOS latest, HASS 0.92.1 on python-venv with local certificate)