This is the official topic to discuss the integration of the OnlyCat catflap into Home Assistant.
This is the repository we will use for this integration: GitHub - OnlyCatAI/onlycat-home-assistant
As a starting point, the OnlyCat team have just asked me an interesting question: why don´t we start working on the integration using the cloud API (already available), and once the local API becomes available we add that to the mix?
And I think that´s a great idea! Where do we start from?
EDIT: the OnlyCat team already have an answer for my question, this has been their reply:
Since we have yet to prepare proper API documentation, I am sending the relevant files in the client code which you can use as reference for the protocol and available requests: You’ll need to connect to over SocketIO, and provide a token to authenticate the user. The token can currently be grabbed from the app (shown in the account tab). In the future we’ll allow users to generate unique tokens for each API/integration. Hopefully that’ll be enough to make a start, and if you have any questions about how any of the code works, we’ll be happy to help.