Home Assistant memory usage on Proxmox

How much RAM should HA use?

I had my Proxmox set to 2GB and it was using over 90% so I decided to up it to 4GB and it is still using over 90%

See here:


My HA-VM uses 4.24GiB of the 12 available.

Don’t worry, this is a quirk in how linux reports free memory, which isn’t always intuitive. See this page for an explanation, and some commands to use to see what % of your ram is actually being used for running the HA applications: https://www.linuxatemyram.com/


Just wanted to chime in here with a question.

My PROXMOX memory usage for my HA VM is sitting at a relatively stable ~80%

HA is reporting quite different figures

I suppose this may be the ‘quirk’ in how linux reports free memory in action.

My only concern is when I check how much ‘real free (available) memory’ I have it is showing only about ~1.2GB.

RAM is there to be used and 1.2GB isn’t ‘close’ to 0GB, however relative to the total 16GB in the system, it is quite close.

Hoping someone more knowledgable may be able to enlighten me on what’s going on with the inconsistency in RAM reporting and whether I should be ‘worried’.

I have something very similar
Proxmos says Memory usage 86.65% (5.20 GiB of 6.00 GiB)

While home assistant:

I suppose is the quirk explained above…

I had the same issue, and I was able to fix it. The problem (at least in my case) was that in the wizard, when it asked about the machine type, I selected the q35 machine, which caused the machine to consume so much memory. Then, I created a new HA instance but using the i440fx, and that fixed the issue.

My machine is i400fx and I have memeory problems too. But increase when I do a google drive backup. My question , is necessary to execute a google backup if i have a proxmox backup and also copies of proxmox backup in my NAS?

My personal experience says, the HA/Google backup is the one to go with. The VM backup is nice to have, and it will do its job, but for HA, you are more reliant on the HA backup.

If something happens to your VM, you’re done with the VM backup. You need to setup a new Proxmox machine and restore there. But what, if you want or need HA to be up and running fast? You could buy a Pi or something like that, but you’d need the full Proxmox environment there, to restore the VM backup… So not really ideal.

Where the HA backup can be restored to every platform, HA runs on. You do a fresh install on the new machine, upload the HA backup, restore it and you’re good to go.

I’d say, the HA backup is much more important, than a VM backup, in a HA case!

Note, this is only valid for HA on Proxmox or other virtualization software. For all other things, it might be best to use a VM backup!


The 3-2-1 rule is a good practice. 3 copies of the data, on 2 different media, 1 off-site.

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Mine is even more strange… :laughing:

I do my HA backup to my Nextcloud and GoogleDrive. The Nextcloud (and with it the HA backup) is synced once a day with a Hetzner Storage Box in Finland.

This must be enough, at least I hope so! :joy:

EDIT: and it’s really cheap, 1TB for 3,81€/month… And BorgBackup is supported. :smiley:

I do both because of different scenarios

Proxmox backup runs every month, and I only store the last 3 backups. Useful if you want a quick rebuild on existing hardware.

HA backups I trigger manually prior to an upgrade, then copy them to another device. Useful if your hardware dies and your backup hardware doesn’t have proxmox installed