Home Assistant - New Zealand

Hey @ndbroadbent awesome dashboard! how did you get the news feed cards working? mine are always hit and miss so guess i am doing something wrong


We are from Brazil, living in Christchurch for the past 9 years. We recently moved to our house here in Rolleston.

My dashboard is heavly based on Lewis from Everything Smart Home using Mushroom and Minimalistic

Luckly the previous owner had a Intensis Cloud module already connected to the Fujitsu Central Heat Pump and this was a piece of cake to add to HA. At our previous house, I installer a esp32 integrated to the Mitsubishi heatpump.

The temperature/humidity is monitored by Xiaomi Mijia LYWSD03MMC Sensor integrated with a Bluetooth proxy.

For the lights it’s a mix of Tasmotized Sonoff Minis for the non dimmable, a couple of Tuya lights integrated with Local Tuya and Tasmota pre-flashed Martin Jerry Dimmer switches that I bought from Amazon US.
Lights can also be controlled by a pair of Aqara zigbee buttons.

We also have a Ring doorbell, Ring-MQTT integration works ok for notifications, there’s some delay as it’s battery only and we are not paying for their subscription. Looking to replace that by a Reolink soon.

Previous owner also installed a Bosh security system, but I disable that and replaced it with a ESP32 to integrate the PIR sensors and swapped one of the PIRs by a Hi-Link LD2410b with EspHome.

The wish list:
Reolink cameras
Zigbee Door/window sensors
A wall mounted tablet at the Dinning/Kitchen area
Irrigation Control

Glad to know there’s an Aotearoa HA community :slight_smile:


Hello, a Christchurch user here. 2 of us is almost a user group.

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Nice work!

Hi everyone, I’m using Contact for electricity, but I might be interested in switching to Powershop. They’re cheaper, but I also saw that they install a smart meter and have an app where you can track usage, so it would be cool to get that data into Home Assistant if possible. Does anyone know if there’s an integration, or if they have an API? Or are there are any other smart meters that are supported by Home Assistant?

EDIT: @Greminn I just saw your comment about scraping Powershop rates - Home Assistant - New Zealand - #39 by Greminn

I saw they used to have a public API with some docs on GitHub, but they’ve shut it down unfortunately: GitHub - fluxfederation/powershop-api: Old Powershop API documentation, libraries and sample code

Have you guys seen this post?

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Thanks for pointing it out.

I was with Powershop, switched to Contact. They’ve shut down their API a few years ago.
I used to scrape their website using multiscrape to get my daily consumption into Home Assistant.

Yep - been using this with Multiscrape and whilst not ideal, it does seem to work consistently. I guess until they change their website.

Can’t believe I’m only just finding this thread now…

A little update to our wall tablet dashboard…. We like to shoot off to the beach for a bike ride, esp at low tide… added tide times via this GitHub - muxa/home-assistant-niwa-tides: Custom integration for Home Assistant to get New Zealand tide information from NIWA Tides API - then added a panel to the dashboard:


Very interested in the YAML for this, if you’re able to share?

I like to make HA do all the work for me LOL

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: High Tide
secondary: >-
  The current tide phase is {{ state_attr('sensor.local_tides', 'tide_phase')

  and the upcoming high tide is projected to reach {{
  state_attr('sensor.local_tides', 'next_high_tide_level') }} meters. 

  Anticipated within the next {{ state_attr('sensor.local_tides',
  'next_high_tide_hours') }} hours, it is expected to occur at {{
  state_attr('sensor.local_tides', 'next_high_tide_time').strftime('%H:%M') }}
layout: vertical
multiline_secondary: true
  action: none
  action: none
  action: none

Oh very cool - totally using this thanks!

for a tide chart, take a look here Tides in Lovelace - #14 by nickrout

i do a similar thing with a smart washing if your using one LMFAO

altho i really do need to clean up the the sensors that go with it
the weather station forecast for the day cuts off at 3pm so then it looks for the over night forecast which makes shitty dunedin reading
when the washing is running itll add more

type: custom:stack-in-card
  style: |
    ha-card { 
      background-color: {{ '#1A3326' if is_state('sensor.washing_machine_run_state', 'Pre-Washing') or is_state('sensor.washing_machine_run_state', 'Washing') or is_state('sensor.washing_machine_run_state', 'Rinsing') or is_state('sensor.washing_machine_run_state', 'Spinning') else 'none' }};
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: Washing Machine
    secondary: >-
      Expect a {{ states('sensor.precipitation_sensor') | default('0') | int }}%
      chance of rain with a high of {{ states('sensor.temperature_sensor') |
      default('0') | int }}°C, resulting in a {{
      states('sensor.washing_recommendation') | default('0') | int }}%
      likelihood of achieving dry laundry.{% set remaining_time =
      states('sensor.washing_machine_remaining_time') | default('0:00:00') %}{%
      if remaining_time != '0:00:00' and remaining_time != '0:00:01' %}
      Currently in the {{ {'Pre-Washing': 'Pre Wash', 'Washing': 'Washing',
      'Rinsing': 'Rinsing', 'Spinning':
      'Spinning'}.get(states('sensor.washing_machine_run_state'), '') }} cycle,
      there are {{ remaining_time | regex_replace('^0:00:00$', '') | trim }}
      minutes remaining{% endif %}
    layout: vertical
    entity: sensor.washing_machine
    multiline_secondary: true
      style: |
        ha-card {
          height: 200px !important;

Probability of Rain Sensor

# Probability of Rain
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Day / Night Rain Probability"
        unique_id: new_probability_sensor
        value_template: >-
          {% set precipitation_0d = states('sensor.imosgi10_precipitation_probability_0d') %}
          {% set precipitation_1n = states('sensor.imosgi10_precipitation_probability_1n') %}
          {% if precipitation_0d == 'unknown' %}
            {{ precipitation_1n }}
          {% else %}
            {{ precipitation_0d }}
          {% endif %}
        unit_of_measurement: '%'

Will it Dry Sensor

# Drying
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Washing Recommendation"
        unique_id: washing_recommendation
        value_template: >-
          {% set rain_percentage = states('sensor.precipitation_sensor')|float %}
          {% set temperature = states('sensor.temperature_sensor')|float %}
          {% set rain_weight = 0.7 %}
          {% set temp_weight = 0.2 %}
          {% set rain_factor = 1 - rain_percentage / 100 %}
          {% set temp_factor = (temperature - 10) / (15 - 10) %}
          {% set combined_percentage = (rain_weight * rain_factor + temp_weight * temp_factor) * 100 %}
          {{ max(min(combined_percentage, 100), 0)|round }}
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        icon_template: >-
          {% set icon = 'mdi:weather-sunny' %}
          {% if states('sensor.temperature_sensor')|float > 0 %}
            {% set icon = 'mdi:weather-pouring' %}
          {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.forecast_total_3')|float < 15 %}
            {% set icon = 'mdi:snowflake' %}
          {% endif %}
          {{ icon }}
          - sensor.temperature_sensor
          - sensor.precipitation_sensor

Hi all,

I’m based in Wanaka and have been using Home Assistant for many years after migrating from OpenHAB.

I have many cool HA automations running including my Zehnder ComfoAir ventilation system, a Velux skylight, and SunCraft motorised shade sails among others.

I run a Davis weather station but I’ve always been super keen to get hold of a good reliable weather forecast as most API’s such as AerisWeather only estimate for Wanaka and they are very poor at it.

I see MetService have a new API at MetService - Te Ratonga Tirorangi - has anyone had a play with it? I admit not being all that comfortable trying work my way around API’s as I’m not a programmer.

I note that @Damaar has been trying to integrate it with questions here - but I thought I’d see if anyone else has had any luck with it?

Cheers, Tim

There’s actually 3 of us! I’ve been using Home Assistant for about 6 years but never bothered to check the Social section for anything NZ related before - I mainly keep an eye on the Australian hardware thread for any new toys to add to my setup.

Main thing I’m trying to solve at the moment is:

  1. What EVSE to get that I can control from HA. Something that supports OCPP would probably be best, SmartEVChargers (based in CHCH selling what I think are rebadged Rolecs) sell some that claim OCPP 1.6j support but it could be a bit of a gamble for full compatibility. Evnex (designed and built in Chch) would be the top contender if it wasn’t cloud based.
  2. How to get the SOC for my Ioniq5. I’m thinking maybe a Wican OBD that then talks to HA via MQTT.

I’m on the Z energy EV plan, cheap power from 9pm-7am and free power from 3am-6am, so I want to maximise the amount of charging it does during the free power but scale back a bit if the dishwasher and washing machine are running (also controlled by HA), but if the SOC is below a threshold also charge during the off peak rate hours.

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i just send all my weather station info to weather underground and then use Wundergroundpws to bring it back to HA, youll find it in HACS integrations