Home Assistant on a Virtual Machine, how do I access it?

I have installed Home Assistant on VirtualBox running on Windows10, but I don’t seem to be able to connect to it to complete the setup; when I start the virtual machine I get asked an user name and password so I guess it’s installed properly.
However when I try to connect to my pc ip which is from the same pc or from another one I cannot connect (the site can’t be reached)
Is this the right IP I need or is there another one?

Especially network setting, point 12

Check dhcp server from router if you have not set a static ip yet

I’ve set it up like in point 12

I know the ip of my computer, is it supposed to get a different ip or the same?

Does this apply ?? :thinking:

I’m using HA in a proxmox vm, don’t know if it’s the same with virtualbox but i asume it will get it’s own IP adress.
Just check your routers dhcp for an ip with home assistant, set it to fixed and you can always connect to ip using the ip adress:8123

My router only shows a number of devices called “unknown”, the only homeassistant device is my raspberry with my current Home Assistant installation; I tried scanning with Fing on my iPhone and it still just shows a number of “generic” devices

Check if your HA instance is running and:

  1. Access the hassio console as “root”
  2. Drop into the shell with login
  3. Use the “nmcli” configuration tool: nmcli con show "HassOS default" and page-down until you find it

Definitely yes. This VM gets its own IP.

You showed a picture of your virtual machines MAC address, you should be able to find that MAC address in your router :wink:

ok, so I used nmcli con show "HassOS default" and found out it was getting the same ip as the raspberry (, it’s reserved on the router and both being homeassistant instances might have played a part)

I tried changing the ip address to, but it only adds it next to it

So you are running a Windows 10 instance on a rpi with HA in a vm
Why not just run HA on the pi?

No, I’m running HA n my raspberry and trying to setup another HA on VM on my Windows 10 laptop

Actually, I might have set the ip of the HA on the VM to be the same as my raspberry a few weeks ago and then forgot about it, then kept using my raspberry

Aha, Then change the ip adress from your pi or vm.
Because if they are the same there is an ip conflict on your network. 2 different instances should not have the same ip unless they have different portnumbers

How do I change it? when I tried, it just added it next to the other address

I usually give it a fixed ip adress in my router.
go in to your router settings, select the mac-adress which is your HA instance, give it a fixed ip.
When done make sure to reboot your your HA instance so it will get the new IP, it’s possible that you have to reboot your router for new settings to be accepted, if so do this before you reboot HA.

The router’s DHCP can only hand out a IP to a MAC address once, so there can’t be two machines with the same IP but different MAC’s…
Or did you duplicate the MAC address of you rpi into your virtual box ??

As said before, verify which MAC address belongs to witch machine :wink:
All your answers you’ll find in your router.
As @Arjan-V said, make ip-reservations for all your HA equipment :wink:

On a windows machine you can also use command line

arp -a

which will show you the arp table of all known IP’s in your network (for sure the is a linux equivalent, but i don’t know it)

no…duplicated IP numbers within the same network will not work (ip-conflict)

The same ports can be used by different IP’s, but not the other way around :wink:

Each tcp ip address can utilize any of the 65535 available ports.:sunglasses:

exactly, i have different instances on 1 machine accessable because of different port numbers, different machines then different ip adresses.
Also for example every VM or container on virtualisation software counts as a separate machine.