Home Assistant OS 10: Better memory management and new board support

Sorry, i donā€™t use bluetooth anymore

@mostlychris @SubOrbit if you have v0.2.6 running, it should be fine with HAOS 10. What you are seeing then is something else. Can you maybe open an issue along with the log files in the EMQX add-on repository at Issues Ā· hassio-addons/addon-emqx Ā· GitHub?

HAOS uses a special boot flow to fallback to the previously installed OS in case of errors (A/B scheme). This requires our own boot loader U-Boot to be started directly.

Ubuntu does not have such recovery mechanism, and I assume they provide boot scripts which Petitboot starting from the on-board SPI ROM can read directly from the NVMe.

Weā€™ve considered that option, but it would mean a departure from our boot scheme for that particular platform, which we rather prefer not to doā€¦


According to analytics we had more than 1k users participating the RC phase (probably quite a bit more, since those are opt-in stats). Unfortunately, I had zero feedback/issues about Bluetooth issues. So either the problem is not that widespread, or the selection of people is just very very unlucky.

Should have, and I hope we will with you on board next time? :wink:

What ā€œcore problemā€ are you referring to?

The big question is, how do we get from /dev to /stable, when nobody tests? :thinking:


Is there a way to open a discord beta channel for the OS similar to the core Beta channel? I believe you will receive much better inputs from the users / testers if you do. I tested each of the RC releases and had no issues with any of them. I did have a restart issue with 10.0. Once any issue is found in the discord, a GitHub issue can then be created.

this fixed all my problems :slight_smile: Thanks

I think this build is indeed a little bit unlucky.
I have been on the RC and didnā€™t have any issues. As soon as I updated to the final release my system died because of the mentioned problems.
Yesterday i went back to 9.5 and my HA is back online now.

Did you try updating motionEye to 0.19.0 instead?

What problems are you experience with HAOS 10?

The last 24h quite some problems I see here should be addressed.

The Bluetooth problem is still something I try to get a handle on. So far none of my test installation failed. Exact configuration and hints what might cause issues on your side are welcome (best posted in Bluetooth failing after upgrade to HAOS 10 on Raspberry Pi Ā· Issue #2485 Ā· home-assistant/operating-system Ā· GitHub along with what Bluetooth hardware you are using).

Supervisor monitor completely unavailable, none of the docker containers are working, canā€™t SSH into my machine or anything. Will restart when I get the chance, but everything just hit the fan.

This all happened after updating a docker container (Z-Wave JS UI)

Everything working properly here in my NUC, only BT like other users is dead.

But checking my supervisor logs I can see the following:

23-04-20 21:22:58 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [supervisor.store.data] Canā€™t read /data/addons/core/whisper/config.yaml: Service wyoming not found @ data[ā€˜discoveryā€™][0]. Got ā€˜wyomingā€™

What is this?


It is already at that version

When I downgraded to OS 9.5 all was working fine.
I noticed that motionEye was not responding every time for about 40-45 minutes. Afterward, it was responding, but the cameras were not working. When I tried to add a cameraā€¦ it went again non-responding for 40-45 minutes. During the non-responding time, the Pi CPU is 100%, and temp increases from 40 to 65-70Ā°C

I am running HA OS on an Pi CM4 with 8Gb ram using the official Raspberry Pi CM4 IO board with an NVMe boot drive. When I updated to 10.0 my system would not boot properly. I could not get to the web interface at all and I could only ping the system briefly when it first booted then it went offline completely. I tried a fresh image of 10.0 and the system would not boot at all. Then did a fresh image of 9.5 and all is working fine again.

Something is definable wrong with this build.

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Whatā€™s strange is I just tried out the RCā€™s and none of them have the problems I have experienced on the final release.

the PI has now no functioning bluetooth wihtin HA. However an add on i use, (theengsgateway for bluetooth mqtt transport) is working fine.

Iā€™m running HAOS as a VM inside Proxmox, running on a Dell micro pc with 8GB RAM and an i5-8500T CPU. I noticed, while still running OS9.5, that updating to the latest core 2023.4.5 caused my CPU to spike to 100% and temps to rapidly climb to 60-65 degrees. Before the Core update, I ran a recorder purge and repack which Iā€™ve started doing, as recent Core updates seem to take an age to complete, and running this before each update seems to help a little.

During this state, the frontend became unresponsive. I reverted to my backup from before the Core update and all was well again. I figured it was maybe my recorder database sorting itself out and doing migrations (aroung 700MB size), so I gave the Core update another try and left it running for an hour. The CPU usage eventually came down gradually to around 20% and temps to 55 degrees - still way higher than they should be. Each VM or host reboot would see high usage again for several minutes before settling to these levels again.

Proxmox processes only showed the main CPU usage coming from the KVM process, and no warnings or errors in the HA logs.

I tried disabling integrations and addons, until they were all disabled, and nothing seemed to affect the CPU usage, even after a vm restart.

Then HAOS v10 was released, so I thought Iā€™d see of updating to that had any impact on the issue.
After several reboots, and just letting it run, the CPU has finally come back down to normal levels - idling around 2 or 3%, with the odd spike that lasts a minute or two, however idle temps are still higher than when running the previously Core version, and sit around 48 degrees, possibly due to the seemingly random processor usage spikes, and so it never gets a chance to get any lower. It used to idle around 38 degrees prior to the Core update.

On OS v10 my Bluetooth seems to all be running fine, using an external USB dongle passed through to the VM, running BTHome for several BLE devices. None of my integrations or addons appear to be broken, like some of the above reports, Iā€™m just left with a higher CPU temp, but feel this is the latest core rather than OS.

i initially also had BT running, but it dies after some time. How long is your running on OS10 now?

Guys you are the best ! Iā€™m running HA on a HP T630 Thin Client and after the update the CPU temperatures went from 50-60ish to 30ish :open_mouth: Well done !


I am running HAOS on a VM in proxmox, with 4G Ram allocated.

Keeping the same version of HA (2023.4.1) the OS upgrade from 9.5 to 10.0 resulted in a ram usage spike from a steady 1G to around 3.5G. Reverting to 9.5 takes it back to 1G.

This is not my normal HA machine, it only has a few integrations and one addon (SSH & Web Terminal).

Here is a graph of the RAM usage when I reverted

@agners This is an experimental install - if you want further experiments, let me know what I can do to help.


I had issues when updating from 9.5 to 10.0, my service didnā€™t restart. I ended up restarting the physical device a few times (was moving it so I could connect an external monitor).

No clue why it started working after about 5 maybe 6 restarts and just letting it sit each time until I knew it was done.