Home Assistant OS Release 6

Same here, didn’t boot up after pressing Update. Power cycled, waiting now. Rpi4. Glad I have the HA Pi on a cloud-based Tuya plug so I can power cycle remotely.

Edit: the update was successful, it just didn’t boot back up afterwards.

The migration went smoothly for me, i.e. no manual reboots.

Has anyone noticed any performance changes after OS migration from 5.12 to 6.0. I am running Rpi4 4GB 64 bit booting off SSD.

Under 5.12 opening an addon log file like ESPHome was pretty well instantaneous, and swap file does not change ie stays close to 0 mB. Total memory usage does really move much around sitting at about 50%.

Under 6.0 opening an addon log file like ESPhome takes about 12 - 15 seconds, and swap file jumped from 200MB to 400MB. Total memory usage is the same and does really move much and sits around 50%. CPU usage spikes a bit, but is under 40%. Opening a couple more logs, and swap file is now up to 750MB

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after update mine wont boot back up and I have tried rebooting my VM more than three times. Any ideas?

What system are you using? Attaching a screen should give you more insight.

Mine is stuck too. I’m running on a Virtual Machine and upgraded from HassOS 5.x to 6.0 - it just sits at a shell command prompt and looking at the VM, it isn’t doing much in terms of CPU time (ie., don’t think it is loading up Home Assistant)

Here’s a video of it booting up as well.

Any thoughts on what to do next? Of course, did the upgrade without having a full VM backup from about 4 weeks ago.

I’ve done a lot of NodeRED and other config since then, so even if it isn’t bootable, is there a way to access the config files from this point?

:dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

Upgrade went smooth so far.

But I discovered 2 things:
Supervisor system section tells me it is a “Development” build. Is this just correct?
The protocol log of each add-on needs a long time to load (~10-15 seconds). This also affects the logging entries for supervisor system (~20 seconds).

At least for the add-on section this sounds like the reporting from @brucek1642

Same thing here in a proxmox VM.
Just 1%cpu, 130mb mem usage. Doing nothing basically.
I have put node red in a separate container just for this. More logical, instead of a container inside a container. Faster as well anyway.

Thanks, it’s ok, I just went back to the month old snapshot…

This is what I get every time before it reboots. Any way to save my data or repair this?

here’s a video of the full log: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

After update i have problem with filesystem. I have to downgrade to 5.13

My VM install updated without any issues. Only took a few minutes too.

Same problem for me xu4 with external data partition. First time attempt to upgrade, it shutdown and never rebooted. After power cycle it was still on 6.0rc3. Retried install and second attempt worked.

Fwiw, the upgrade from 5.13 to 6.0rc3 went smoothly.

I have run into that issue with my virtual machine. To fix it, I remove the virtual drive from the VM, delete the VM, then create a new one with the same virtual drive. Takes about 5 mins to do and it is back up and running.

Could your SD Card have gone corrupt?

it’s an SSD but that would be really sad. And the update would have corrupted it.

Then its likely just logical corruption

Update went smooth and rather quickly, didn´t expect that, +1 for this experience.

Next to mentioned “Development build” Home Assistant OS Release 6 - #22 by kauthmbt I´m just curious bout that change:
Verify Power Supply Size by Mariusthvdb · Pull Request #1393 · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub

Is it only a message shown during boot process (which I never see cause it´s headless)?
And is it only shown when a SSD is being detected?

I´m planning to switch from SD to SSD and currently use original 3.0 A power supply. There even almost are no 3.5 A or 4.0 A power supplies for Pi 4 in my area.

And where is the journal you were instructed to generate?

Mine is stuck too. it will upgrade everything else, I just upgraded to core-2021.6.4, but the OS just freezes. Using a virtual machine as well.

How solve it?