Home Assistant restarts every 10 minutes


I am new ti home assistant, installed hass.io 0.75.1 with add-ons ssh, nodered and mosquitto.
The problem is that HA restarts exactly every 10 minutes and I dont know why.

help appreciated.

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Apple TV changed to idle
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Apple TV changed to idle
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Apple TV changed to idle
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Apple TV changed to idle
Home Assistant started
Home Assistant stopped
Apple TV changed to idle
Home Assistant started
Home Assistant stopped

Just noticed I’m having the same issue
Now on 75.2

What does your logfile say? Not the web based logbook, the actual log.

sorry, but what log are you talking about? where is it?

The log file located in the same directory as your configuration

I added

  • in trusted networks,

then restarted and now still up for 50minutes, I will monitoring the logs.


Anyone have a fix for this?


I added in trusted networks,and now is working,

This network is the raspberry pi internal network.

Same issue here since the update to the latest HASSIO build (0.75.2).

I haven’t got the logfile with me at the moment as I am not at home, but looking at it last night it seemed to be continuously dropping the Z-WAVE and removing the driver for the Z-WAVE stick every 10 mins. Aeotec Z-Stick Gen 5. Not sure if this just a symptom or a cause.
I also was getting a “Authentication Failed” warning message on the Overview page of the UI referring to a docker container IP 172.33.x.x . Sorry I can not remember the exact IP.
Is there confirmation that adding the IP address to trusted will help solve this issue?

Edit: I am using the 32Bit version on a Raspberry Pi 3 (not the B+)

That did it. Thank you

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you can also remove the ip_ban.yaml from config

How do I add this trusted network? In configuration. Yaml?

I have never had a file named ip_ban.yaml anywhere in my installation so that does not work for me. The fix was adding the trusted network.

You add it in the configuration.yaml file under http:

  # Secrets are defined in the file secrets.yaml
  api_password: *PASSWORD HERE*

Hassio release 124 (125 currently) has fixed this for a few users I’ve chatted with. If it isn’t showing for you yet, go to Hassio > System page and reload the supervisor. Hopefully everyone can remove “trusted_networks” now.

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I had the same issue when i restored a backup from my old Pi1 to my new Pi 3b+. Removing that 172.30… from the ip_ban.yaml did the trick!

Same issue with HA 0.83.3 on raspberrypi3-64

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