Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

What does the new update include you have waited long for?

can someone share docker 17.05.0-0401? i have accidentally upgrade the package.


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thank you very much!

I deleted docker and installed v. 17 and now I got hass.io addon and everything, thanx for the tip.

I’ve just started a new job with 500km commuting so I’ve not been on top on this. Will try to find some time to investigate on Friday. Hopefully we’ll get a more stable experience with Docker 18.


Congrats with your new Job.

The problem is on synology site hope they will fix it soon.

Do you have more insights on what’s going on with the newest Docker? What have been changed?

DDSM will reach End-Of-Life on December 31, 2019. This will not affect activated DDSM licenses, and you can check their expiration date in the package.

1. Upgraded Docker Daemon to version 18.09.6.


  • Fixed COPY and ADD with multiple <src> to not invalidate cache if DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 .moby/moby#38964


Known Issues

  • There are important changes to the upgrade process that, if not correctly followed, can have an impact on the availability of applications running on the Swarm during upgrades. These constraints impact any upgrades coming from any version before 18.09 to version 18.09 or later.

2. Upgraded Docker Compose to version 1.24.0.



  • Added support for connecting to the Docker Engine using the ssh protocol.
  • Added a --all flag to docker-compose ps to include stopped one-off containers
    in the command’s output.
  • Add bash completion for ps --all|-a
  • Support for credential_spec
  • Add --parallel to docker build 's options in bash and zsh completion


  • Fixed a bug where some valid credential helpers weren’t properly handled by Compose
    when attempting to pull images from private registries.
  • Fixed an issue where the output of docker-compose start before containers were created
    was misleading
  • To match the Docker CLI behavior and to avoid confusing issues, Compose will no longer
    accept whitespace in variable names sourced from environment files.
  • Compose will now report a configuration error if a service attempts to declare
    duplicate mount points in the volumes section.
  • Fixed an issue with the containerized version of Compose that prevented users from
    writing to stdin during interactive sessions started by run or exec .
  • One-off containers started by run no longer adopt the restart policy of the service,
    and are instead set to never restart.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some container events to not appear in the output of
    the docker-compose events command.
  • Missing images will no longer stop the execution of docker-compose down commands
    (a warning will be displayed instead).
  • Force virtualenv version for macOS CI
  • Fix merging of compose files when network has None config
  • Fix CTRL+C issues by enabling bootloader_ignore_signals in pyinstaller
  • Bump docker-py version to 3.7.2 to fix SSH and proxy config issues
  • Fix release script and some typos on release documentation

I wish id seen this thread earlier :frowning: my hassio setup is trashed. Fortunately, Id backed up config files etc… I really do need the addons though…

Hi all,

I had the same issue but looking at your comments I was able to unistall last version and restore my Hassio so THANK YOU :slight_smile:

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Yeah thanks everyone for sharing your problem ! I was able to stop auto-update from Synology DSM & prevent a crash.

How is everyone rolling back to the last version of docker? My system keeps telling me thats not allowed…

hi! i am facing the same problems. updated hassio to latest version but my Hassio tab dissappeared and most of my addons are not working anymore.
i have all my automations working through Node-Red and now no container seems to be working.
please help so that either i can roll-back the hassio or docker :frowning:
My smart home is not smart anymore.

Does the following in release notes of 0.98.1 have nything to do with this issue ??

Docker base image change

If you run Home Assistant via Docker (not Hass.io) and are using the homeassistant/home-assistant container, the images are now using the same images as hass.io, which are using Alpine Linux instead of Debian.

The hass.io images are a third of the size of the old images and are heavily optimized thanks to the hard work by @pvizeli.

This change will only impact you if you were extending or customizing the image with Debian packages. If you want to continue to use the Debian based images, you can find the Dockerfile for the old images here.

For more background on this decision, see ADR-006.

Agree - latest docker removes the hass.io menu option (under development tools) shows its not running on hass.io.

Stop/start of the hass,io package does not fix this… I had to uninstall the hass.io
Then uninstall the docker (uncheck to remove the shared folders etc)
reinstalled the 17.x docker
It warns its end of life is 12/2019
Re-added the 08.13.2019 package
Run it
Waited for it to rebuild the containers etc…
sure enough - I have the hass.io menu back!

so something is a muck with the latest docker 18.x and how this works

Installed 08.13.2019 and my HUSBZB1 is working fine on USB0 and USB1 for Zigbee and Zwave
however I cannot get node-red to start…

19-08-31 01:32:25 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker] Can’t start addon_a0d7b954_nodered: 404 Client Error: Not Found (“linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device information while adding custom device “/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_61201219-if01-port0”: lstat /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_61201219-if01-port0: no such file or directory”)

I did verify that the usb_devices.txt does show them there and again its working fine… however I cannot get the addons to run

/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon Labs_HubZ Smart Home Controller_61201219-if00-port0
/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon Labs_HubZ Smart Home Controller_61201219-if01-port0

Good and bad news… I’ll try to build a new version but I doubt it will fix the node-red issue. Perhaps you can check with the discord channel.

I’ve looked around and the seems not to be an easy fix. I can’t see what have changed (docker vise) so I don’t know what to do to fix it but I’ll investigate some more.


I’ve managed to find the issue with Docker 18. I’ll try to wrap together a new hass.io version but the fix is as follows until I get that ready:

  1. Stop the hassio package (from Package Center).

  2. Go to your hass.io folder (on your nas) and open homeassistant.json,

  3. Go to the Docker application and locate Containers, there you will have a homeassistant container.

  4. Stop the container (if it still is running).

  5. Click edit and go to Environment

  6. Add the variable HASSIO with value hassio

  7. Add the variable HASSIO_TOKEN with the value from access_token found in home_assistant.json

  8. optional add the variable TZ with your current timezone according to https://www.epochconverter.com/timezones

The result should look like this:

As I said, I’ll make this automatic but it might take a day or so.


Thanks for the quick solution :+1:

Thanks for the quick fix. Restarted your package and HA after making the changes and Hass.io and other addons are back in town. \o/