Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js

Thankyou for this advice, unfortunately mine starts up again on the old incorrect network. Not sure why.

Add me to the list of RPi users getting the

Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.

out of the blue when trying to access Supervisor, File Editor, etc

Really don’t want to be pulling the plug on the RPi on a regular basis.

Same here with issues using Rpi though I didn’t realise auto update was a thing now (would love to stop that). Despite Home Assistant breaking during updates so, so, so many times, I’ve still not learnt my lesson to just leave it alone and stop trying to update it :confused:

randomusername said:

Despite Home Assistant breaking during updates so, so, so many times, I’ve still not learnt my lesson to just leave it alone and stop trying to update it :confused:

In my experience so far, this issue is not related to updates. It just happens every 2-4 weeks… then it’s time to re-install everything again. Fortunately, the restore-from-backup seems to be working.

I’m undecided about the whole system. The UI is nice, but a rPi with MQTT, Node-Red, and motioneye Might improve reliability tremendously and provide all the functionality minus the UI and Nabu Casa’s remote access.


Just for data - I’ve had this happen to me on two different installations in two different locations, when the Supervisor updated recently. Both are NUCs running HA Supervised on Ubuntu. Both needed a full shutdown and cold reboot to get back to normal. This was a major issue for the remote installation, as it had to wait until someone was able to go there and deal with the issue on location.

I’ve just changed one of the installs to HA (with HassOS) on Proxmox, so I’ll be interested to see if it happens again.

This happend to me the second time, the first time on my RPI 3B and the second time today running on my nas.
Fortunately I found a solution, which was working:

I’m using portainer, stopped the homeassistant container, checked the access_token of the home-assistant.json and deployed the container again. :sunglasses:

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Same song for RPi and v111.4 here. I am experiencing the /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js. errors and have been reading to try and find a solution. I decided to completely reload from scratch a couple of days ago and been working through SSL problems and error messages, to the point that I’m trying to stay motivated with HA. I love the vision, but the stability and integrity with so many external variables, just makes this difficult for us that have day jobs. Very sad, as I want to learn all the things HA will be able to do, but I’m stuck in managing it’s basic interaction.

If anyone has advice on “best practices” to avoid so much heartache, with very little functional results, I’m all ears.

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This started to happen to me this morning…power cycle the Raspberry pi4 and now it won’t come up at all…

This is started to happening to me also since v109. Now I’m using v111.4 and it’s happening every 2 days. It doesn’t come up with a power cycle, I have to restore it from snapshot everytime. It is practically impossible to use the HomeAssistant anymore. Doing more recoveries than I use the device for its own purposes. PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM ASAP! For now I wont use it anymore…

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Pulling the power and letting it reboot fixed the issue for me.

Reboot fixes it for me!

Same thing happening to me. I’m running Ubuntu on a physical server. Supervisor, Node Red, Portainer, all not working. I have rebboted, power cycled the server, updated HA to version 111.4 and so far nothing has resolved the issue. I was wondering if its possible to just reinstall the HACS container to try and resolve the issue?

Same here with a rpi 3. I had the error a month ago and I thought it was my sd card and now that I’ve all restarted from scratch I have the same error again after doing all works on pairing devices… I’m thinking switching from HA to another solution, it’s too frustrating to do all this stuff for nothing…

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Had the issue here also.

Using the Virtual Machine OVA system running on VMware Workstation.

I could access the console of the Supervisor container and login.

None of the internal container commands to rebuild, restart etc would work. They just kept referring to the 172 docker network port 80 being unavailable.

The solution for me was to restart the Guest OS from within Vmware - this would be the equivalent of a nice power down on a RPi (not pulling the power cord)

The system came straight back up and is working fine.

I had not applied any updates or done any config changes in the last week


This just happened to me this morning. I am away from home so can’t physically reboot the RPI, and because I can’t access the Supervisor section I can’t restore a snapshot or reboot the host machine. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

[Edit] I tried to call the service hassio.host_reboot from the services page, but nothing happened and the logs show the following:

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/__init__.py:292
Integration: Hass.io ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+hassio%22))
First occurred: 11:59:01 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:00:15

Error on Hass.io API:

I also found the following suspicious entry in the log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio.handler
Source: components/hassio/handler.py:189
Integration: Hass.io (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 0:02:35 (17 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:00:15

Client error on /info request Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed ('', 80)]
Client error on /homeassistant/restart request Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed ('', 80)]
Client error on /host/reboot request Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed ('', 80)]

I’ve been tempted to dump HASSIO too, but have not yet.
Backup and restore has been working well lately. I back everything up any time i make any change to the system.
It’s been about a month, so I expect it will happen again soon.


This just happened to me this morning. I am away from home so can’t physically reboot the RPI,

Everything (at least node-RED automatons) seems to continue to function it this state, you just can’t change anything on the system.

If you’re running the “preferred” system on you’re Pi with the Hassio OS, there is no way to reboot. Pulling the plug occasionally works, but usually requires re-loading the system and starting over. Back up regularly!


No need to pull the plug. Attach a keyboard and use the magic sysrq key

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Managed to get someone at home to hard reboot the Pi and this did the trick. Hopefully it won’t happen again but certainly this should be looked into. If I had the knowledge I would do so, and it goes without saying that I appreciate all the free time given to this project by the various devs.

Updated HA and Core no more than two week ago. It runs in a VM on Unraid server.
Clicking Supervisor results in this error:

Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.

Like theCheek mentioned, i my log also shows this:

Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio.http
Source: components/hassio/http.py:105
Integration: Hass.io (documentation, issues)
First occurred: July 18, 2020, 6:16:03 PM (7 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:36:53 PM

Client error on api app/entrypoint.js request Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed (‘’, 80)]

And there are many more verbose errors, often mentioning the IP, some just saying “Can’t read last version:”.