Home Assistant Yellow

Never mind. A factory reset on the sensors (new out of the box) was required.

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Were you ruing your system on the SSD or was it just the data disk? What’s the process for changing to a new drive?

My system is on the emmc and the data disk is on the SSD. If the SSD goes bad, will my system boot with an empty data disk after I replace the SSD? Will it go into the onboarding process? I have all my backups on google drive, I may add a network storage to keep a local version in case the drive goes bad.

Yes. I was running the system on the SSD, since my CM4 has no EMMC. I’m not sure what happens to the system if you added an SSD as data storage. But you can always reset the HA Yellow and reinstall the system on the EMMC. Afterwards just replace the SSD and restore a backup. If you for some reason can’t perform a reset, it should still be possible to reinstall the system with a USB-stick like you did the first time.

I would, naturally, recommend that you remove and replace the old SSD before you reset the system.


Hello All
I’m New to the HA Community. I’m a Hubitat C8 user. I would like to use HA Yellow standard in conjunction with my Hubitat Hub. I only see that RasberryPi.dk and SeeedStudio selling these Yellow standard hubs. Can someone refer me to which configuration to get ? I want the Yellow Standard but then they ask if I need SSD. So the question is …what SSD size I should get ? Thankyou in advance

No one ever got fired for buying too much storage or ram. Max it out, depending on budget. What sizes are they offering?

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250gb, 500gb, 1tb, 2tb

Now what is your budget for the upgrade in storage? Which is closes to that $$$ value. Make your decision. I have a 2 TB in my HA-Yellow Pi 4.

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ic…thankyou…wow…lol… 1tb was my cutoff…I was going to go with 500gb. But I don’t understand the purpose of this…Do I need that much ? sorry for the noob question

It depends on how big you grow your installation of devices, the number of integrations, add-ons, automations, scenes, scripts, blueprints, voice stuff, cards, etc. Then how long you want to keep data for comparison over the years.

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Not unless you are recording video to the drive. Yellow wouldn’t be my choice if I was planning on video.

Most HAOS installs will be quite happy with a 32gb or 64gb card.

I’d probably go with the 250gb option with no video.


This is HAOS, the add-ons shown below, and I have four cameras (albeit lower resolution Fire Tabs) setup with Frigate for 10 second clip storage and 24 hours constant recording. Granted, I have default log retention set in HA and just added influxdb yesterday, so I imagine this will grow, but can’t imagine it would be by much for even 6 months of storage in influxdb.


I added a SSD 500 GB which largely exceeds my needs.
Including backups, I have some 420 unused GB.

The system itself doesn’t need that much. Only if you are going to use video or file sharing then you need more then 100GB
I have 1TB and save my videos for 100 days. Still I only use 33%

I was checking for file sharing but options are limited. I think I need a separate NAS for that.

Thankyou everyone
I now have a better understanding of what i need.

I just need a HA Yellow Standard without any Extras…lol

I just ordered an HA Yellow Std with no extras.
Ordered from Seeed Studio

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Im excited
Cant wait to get my yellow !


I updated my Home Assistants Yellow from CM4 (2GB RAM, No eMMC and no wifi) to (8GB RAM, 32Gb eMMC, with wifi). Let say replacing it es not enough to change the CM4 Module, small benefit the SDD got changed from 970 (1TB) to 980 Pro (2TB).

I changed the case to: Better Home Assistant Yellow Enclosure with wall mount and variable front inlay

With the cooler: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B092PMY7RC?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

(For connecting the FAN, check the GPIO Layout of your hardware: Hardware – Home Assistant Yellow)

I’m planning to make an inlay for that cooler.

Temperature went from in average 51°C (old CM4) to 40°C.

Hi! I bought a yellow with an already assembled CM4. 2GB of RAM is definitely not enough (I get oomkills left and right, if I try to build complex esphome projects, or run Music Assistant, for instance)
I see that CM4 are now back in stock almost everywhere.

Was replacing it hard? you just pulled the old one out and stuck the new one in?

I already have my system on a SSD on the M2 (or PCIe? I never remember) slot, so I don’t care about storage. Would it just boot my system with the new CM4? (I can definitely restore a full backup, I am just testing the easy way first)

Replacing the CM4 is easy. There’s a heatsink with barb retainers - remove that with small pliers to compress the barbs. Then the module has a screw (or 2?) remove those, pop the old one off the connectors, pop the new one on, reverse the process to reassemble.

I got the non-EMMC so I boot directly from the SSD. I did reinstall from a backup though I think it would have booted up ok from the old image. The install instructions for HA are easy enough to follow.

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I have been using Home Assistant Yellow for a year now, ever since CM4s became available after supply constraints.

I use HA daily, but it’s too complicated for my wife, even with a custom screen. Home Assistant is for techies like me in its current embodiment. I maxed out my NVMe at 2TB and use it for network storage in addition to running HA.

I wish HAY had LEDs that tell me the HA status. The LEDs show the RPi power and network status.

I have had HA crashes and the LEDs remain as they were. I can restart HA and the LEDs remain unchanged during restart. I can do a full system restore and the LEDs don’t change.

I don’t really know what the LEDs are good for except during installation and for network verification.

Can someone advise other uses for the HAY LEDs, or perhaps adding additional LEDs?