Home Assistant Yellow

I ordered in Jan 2023, but cancelled for a full refund a few weeks ago. Instead ordered it via seeedstudio which has arrived since. At least they had stock and could ship directly.


I’m a little curious about something. A post back near the beginning of this topic seemed to indicate that WiFi and Bluetooth are a package deal on the CM4. If that’s so, does that mean that the external antenna will boost both signals?

I just ordered a HA Yellow with CM4 from SeeedStudio, and the antenna was $5 so I threw it in on a whim. I really wasn’t sure if I would use it because I intend to run on ethernet but if it helps bluetooth that’s an unexpected bonus.


I am not 100% sure… a quick search does appear to suggest that the antenna may be shared…interesting :thinking:

However, I do know that simply attaching the external antenna to the CM4 will not help with WiFi/BT performance. To use an external antenna one must edit the config.txt file for the operating system. During the boot process, if the external antenna setting in config.txt exists, the onboard antenna is disabled and the external antenna is enabled.

Note: Editing config.txt on HAOS is not exactly trivial. The core OS is pretty well protected from easy changes.

Here’s an article about enabling the CM4 external antenna when running Raspberry PI OS (Raspian).


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I didn’t know that, thanks! Now I’ve learned something new today.


Edit: I watched Jeff’s video. The external antenna does not seem to make much of a difference in WiFi speed or signal quality unless you are putting your Pi in a metal box. He didn’t mention bluetooth in regards to an antenna, or it’s performance in general.

But, as I’m sure you know, a box (even a cardboard one) always looks cooler with an antenna than without, so there’s that. :-).


Move HA from NUC to Yellow? I set up HA on a NUC a few years back but now I want to move it to a Yellow.
Can I make a backup of my current setup and use that to install to the Yellow or will I have to start from scratch?

That’s a good question, since the hardware is different. It would be nice it settings, devices, entities, automations, etc (data area could be exported out). It may be that way, just have not viewed any threads on it. I’m hoping others who have will post what they did.

Yes, you can save a backup of your existing HA config and data, and the restore that to your HA Yellow. I would make sure both systems are running the same version of Home Assistant before starting.

Just setting up my new HA Yellow, first time HA user. There are a bazillion ways to add Aqara to Yellow - which is the most reliable and easy? I’m trying to get my M2 hub added through Matter but the app is asking me to use the app for adding Matter devices, which seems odd and unproductive.

Which app?

I don’t use an M2 hub, just add my Aqara devices directly to HA Yellow. I guess it’s a matter (sorry, pun not intended) of what devices you are trying to add?

@nickrout - The HA iOS Companion app

@NormandyHA - P1 contact sensors, FP1 presence sensors, mini buttons, FP2 presence sensor, P2 contact sensor (the only sensor directly Matter-bound to HomeKit) and a cube. I will re-try adding them directly to HA Yellow but I wasn’t able to reliably put these into pairing mode and the ZHA integration just kept scanning and scanning but didn’t pick up any device.

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I take it you are referring to this then Matter (BETA) - Home Assistant

At what stage does it fail?

I have just painfully learned once again that any m.2 SSD can simply die. So always make backups!
Otherwise, the ha yellow has been running solidly.

So far so good with my SAMSUNG 970 EVO Plus SSD 1TB NVMe M.2. However I do ensure external backups in case of a failure.

Curious as to what model you had that failed?

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Crucial P3 500GB there is a serious damage in the firmware / microcode, which causes the memory controller to crash and access to the user data is no longer possible (Controller fault). Confirmed by two data recovery laboratories.

Thanks! I know some SSD’s apparently are not recommended, I wonder if that one needs to be added to the list?

That is the one I have in my HA-Yellow too! So far NO issues. Been using it for 6-7 months now.

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I used the same drive and experienced the same type of crash after roughly 10 months. Had to temporarily move my setup to a Raspberry Pi 4. I’m now using a Samsung 970 Plus. Let’s hope it lasts longer. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Yes! At the very start, technically, it doesn’t even start the search, it just calls out to use the HA app to continue - although, I was running it in the app itself.

Did you have to jump through any hoops to make that work? I am trying to add a couple of Aqara P1 motion sensors, the HA Yellow just never sees them. It’s never reported seeing any Zigbee device though, so the radio may be faulty.